Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] rely on the " in BNC.

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1 O. M. Honoré pointed out that even if an ( informal ) arbitration concluded in my favour , if I later become convinced that my original claim was mistaken I should acknowledge the claim of the other litigant rather than rely on the arbitrator 's decision .
2 Because the definition of ‘ informal carer ’ can be so vague , we decided to focus on each person 's principal carer ( if there was one ) , defined on the objective criterion that he or she spent a minimum of seven hours per week ( on average one hour per day ) doing things with or on behalf of the dementia sufferer , rather than rely on the more subjective criterion of who appears to be most responsible for the sufferer .
3 It is also better if you use an extension microphone rather than rely on the inbuilt one to pick up your words of wisdom .
4 However , the court agreed with the views expressed obiter by another division of the court in the case of Emerson ( 1990 ) 92 Cr.App.R. 284 ; where a transcript was provided it was merely a means of presenting the exhibit , which was the tape itself , to the court : if the jury wished to hear the tape rather than rely on the written transcript , there was no proper reason why they should not be allowed to do so .
5 Families are to be encouraged to live in their own homes rather than to rely on the state ( in the form of local authorities ) for the provision of council housing .
6 An important finding was that many relied on their own transport and went to stay with friends and relatives some distance away , rather than relying on the 19 official evacuation reception centres .
7 Private borrowing is likely to rise by the same amount and may rise by even more if the privatised company is able to borrow freely from the market rather than relying on the government .
8 A full house survey , where you brief your building surveyor individually rather than relying on the shorter though cheaper housebuyer 's report , can be an expensive matter .
9 communications , where people prefer formal communication from the department rather than relying on the ‘ grapevine ’ ;
10 There is little to see , and users must make up their own minds on whether it covers their needs , rather than relying on the opinions of others .
11 Along with marketing to attract more customers , the management changes throughout the sector have required that senior academics transform themselves into planners , seeking to attract money towards their work , rather than relying on the previous expectation that it would fall like manna from the principal 's office .
12 It is better to include a specific provision in the standard terms to prevent a party proving a variation of the standard terms , or a collateral contract , rather than relying on the parol evidence rule .
13 When the life of a child can so easily hang in the balance , is there not a case for recommending that all parents attend a practical course in first aid , rather than relying on the printed page ?
14 Others painted professionally and relied on the sale of works of art to earn a living — these included Thomas Davidson , William Trood , Rupert Dent and John T. Rennie Reid .
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