Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [art] only way " in BNC.

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1 But we shall see that , since 1925 , this is not possible ( see p. 86 ) , so that the only way in which future interests in any kind of property can be created is through the machinery of a trust .
2 Let me explain for the benefit of viewers that a sump is like a U-bend in plumbing , permanently full of water , so that the only way through is to dive under the water .
3 I do n't know any of these fellow who are tearing around the place but the odds are first of all that they are unemployed , secondly that they feel that nobody really cares about them , thirdly that the only way to get any sort of excitement out of life is to charge around the way they do .
4 I feel quite firmly that the only way forward is to move to the situation where marketers control not only what they spend but also the presentation of sales results in terms of changes as a result of alternative contributory factors .
5 They decided therefore that the only way to get another drink was to buy the pub .
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