Example sentences of "[adv] [art] same reason as " in BNC.

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1 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the reasons why we are updating Trident are basically the same reasons as caused the Labour Government to update our nuclear deterrent by bringing in Chevaline , the difference being that we are doing it openly and they did it under wraps ?
2 And ethnicity turns into separatist nationalism for much the same reasons as colonial liberation movements establish their states within the frontiers of the preceding colonial empires .
3 We may have moved on from the steel nib and the blackboard , but are we not educating our children for much the same reasons as we were 50 years ago ?
4 Denmark joined the EEC for much the same reasons as the British did : she wished to ensure that she was not excluded from a large ‘ home ’ market , particularly for her agricultural products .
5 For much the same reason as suggested in the last paragraph , this seems a course of action which in practice would be ruled out for many of them by financial constraints : so again , for many , just wishful thinking .
6 ‘ For much the same reason as I did .
7 Because he wanted a stronger and healthier nation , for much the same reason as Hitler did , on the other side of the Alps — to turn the men into warriors and the women into the mothers of warriors — he started what were known as colonie marine e montane , to which needy children were sent on holiday .
8 There is no stratosphere ‘ bulge ’ of temperature for much the same reason as there is no such bulge in the Martian atmosphere ( question 3.13 ) .
9 And for much the same reason as for Mars the thermosphere of Venus only reaches modest temperatures ( section 3.4.1 ) .
10 The two sets of genes can be expected to ‘ pull together ’ for just the same reasons as all the genes of one individual organism normally pull together .
11 ‘ He did it for roughly the same reason as Clinton , an attempt to indicate consensus on economic and foreign policy , ’ says Dr King .
12 In my judgment , and for substantially the same reasons as those given by the judge , the non est factum plea fails .
13 My Lords , I very much hope that my Noble friend Lord Fellows , the Minister will feel able to er take the advice of my Noble friend Lord Wrenton er for a particular er and it is not quite the same reason as his .
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