Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] grounds that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Charismatic ’ was the word he first used and later withdrew — apparently on the grounds that Jefferson 's personality , while it is undoubtedly attractive to teenagers , is n't particularly pleasant .
2 Apollinaris survived for only a few months , and on his death Theuderic had Quintianus installed as bishop , apparently on the grounds that the saint had been driven from Rodez because of his loyalty to the Frankish king .
3 This similarity should caution against making too firm a distinction between the three ; for example one might have sought to make distinctions in terms of being instances of either ‘ new ’ or ‘ old ’ racism , especially on the grounds that new racists , unlike old racists , will justify their position by citing non-racial general principles ( Sniderman and Tetlock , 1986a , 1986b ; see also Potter and Wetherell , 1987 , for arguments against deducing ‘ true ’ attitudes from discourse ) .
4 Catholic nationalists who support or condone the killing of protestant loyalists do so on the grounds that members of the Northern police force and part-time army are either agents of British imperialism or maintaining alien protestant — loyalist power in a part of Ireland .
5 Though the incidence of Becker is only one tenth that of Duchenne muscular dystrophy , the three families who refused a biopsy did so on the grounds that while they accepted their son had a muscular dystrophy they preferred to live in the hope that it might be Becker and so chose not to complete the diagnostic process .
6 A majority believed that UNTCOK should supervise elections in the south but Australia , Canada and India were against doing so on the grounds that it would perpetuate and not eliminate the division in Korea .
7 The Crown did not object to the Divisional Court looking at the materials ( see p. 237G–H ) but the court itself refused to do so on the grounds that it would constitute a breach of article 9 .
8 they have done so on the grounds that the company is entitled to the benefit of those exemptions as a small ( or medium ) company .
9 Second , in taking the argument to be necessary Nozick tacitly accepts that his theory is not as purely externalist as it might initially appear , and hence he can not claim immunity from an attack merely on the grounds that it is internalist .
10 Some semblance of co-operation was finally attained only on the grounds that it was everyone 's responsibility to protect the band from the internal dissension and strife which the affair was creating .
11 This means that a management policy that is injurious to employee interests can be attacked only on the grounds that the directors lacked good faith , meaning that the directors did not honestly believe that the policy constitutes an appropriate balancing of interests , or that they have altogether disregarded the impact of their decision on the employees .
12 ‘ Yes , but only on the grounds that it was n't their fault .
13 In the end , de Gaulle could only secure peace at the expense of a series of humiliating concessions to the FLN — concessions which could be justified only on the grounds that they averted the yet higher costs of not making them .
14 But in terms of the preparation for that , in bidding for grant aid , and it was very much tied into a successful bid for grant aid , that was forthcoming but only on the grounds that the scheme was committed by the end of December .
15 Erm , it 's certainly true that we reduced the total size of a particular team or unit dealing with international affairs , but only on the grounds that we actually felt that it was very important that all the teams should be working on international and European dimensions of their work , rather than seeing it as compartmentalised in one area .
16 The Australian initiative was rejected both by the Privy Council and the English courts , largely on the grounds that the common-law precedents were not compelling , that the full defence of self-defence should be applied indulgently in favour of those who use such force as they instinctively think necessary , and that the doctrine of provocation might be used to accommodate other cases .
17 Middle-class feminists , particularly members of the National Union of Societies for Equal Citizenship , of which Eleanor Rathbone was the President , strongly supported family allowances largely on the grounds that it would undermine the concept of the family wage and thereby ( a rather optimistic thought ) pave the way for equal pay for equal work .
18 At one extreme was the suggestion that at least 40 weeks of the training period should be spent acquiring the necessary accounting skills ; at the other , that there should be no requirement to record accounting separately on the grounds that it was adequately covered within the auditing function .
19 The unique Late Permian palaeogeography does not feature in any of the current physical climate models , usually on the grounds that dimensions of unit cells used in sensitivity experiments are too large to include such details , or that the geography is a result of ‘ microclimate ’ influences .
20 And he can go on avoiding him forever on the grounds that he was the one who split the title .
21 The Mother 's Defence League , organised during the 1920s , opposed all intervention in the working class home on the grounds that it threatened to undermine the working class wife 's responsibility for the welfare of her family and reduce her to a servant and drudge .
22 He had switched-off the assembly track one Friday afternoon , half an hour before finishing time , ostensibly on the grounds that the overhead conveyor was unsafe and a danger to line operators working below .
23 A decision was made not to prosecute , ostensibly on the grounds that there was no evidence of any offence , except possibly one of receiving indecent material through the post , and Hayman escaped with a caution .
24 When the appellant received notice of the order , he applied for the order to be set aside on the grounds that he had no notice of the proceedings and had nothing to do with it .
25 The defendants successfully applied to the English court for this service to be set aside on the grounds that personal service by the agent of a foreign litigant without the approval of the Swiss authorities was a criminal offence under the Swiss Penal Code and could not be regarded as valid service , as no English court could authorise service which was contrary to the internal law of the country in which service was to be effected .
26 With a fresh crop of newly-qualifieds hitting the market and no vacancies to fill , firms are making further redundancies , ceasing to renew training contracts — sometimes even terminating the contract early on the grounds that there is no work — and beginning to offer part-time employment as an alternative .
27 It may be rejected also on the grounds that it is patronizing .
28 This is logical also on the grounds that the remedies were proved as the single remedy and not as mixtures , and mixtures of remedies may have effects which are different from those of their component parts .
29 While it is true that by the turn of the century both middle and working class women were profoundly affected by the gospel of maternalism preached by the medical profession , imperialists and politicians , it is also possible to find examples of straightforward resistance to physicians both on the grounds that they encouraged middle class women to lead idle lives and that they posed a threat to female modesty .
30 The decision not to simply take over the entire MoMA show was made partly on the grounds that the Pompidou has already mounted a major Matisse retrospective ( in 1971 ) , and partly through a desire to study in depth a period of the artist 's life now viewed as fundamental for the development of twentieth-century painting .
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