Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] at [det] stage " in BNC.

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1 And I suddenly realized at this stage that there was going to be something rather unexpected happening .
2 There should be no long pauses — as you are only listening at this stage
3 ‘ The Darkfall strike generates what we can only call at this stage a chemical reaction .
4 However , there is scope , in future years , should the Committee wish to develop the site , but I recognise the limited resources of the Civic Trust and I would only wish at this stage that the Trust continues to visit the site and also encourages and supports educational visits .
5 As indicated at the beginning of this article sales must not only be paid for by the buyer but the funds must be received quickly by the exporter and the banks are very much involved at this stage through : —
6 I only comment at this stage that the latter exclusion would render the remedy of little practical use .
7 but not accurate enough to say at this stage .
8 It is best done at this stage to avoid unnecessary disturbance later on .
9 Medical advice is generally sought at some stage , but the action taken by general practitioners still seems to be suboptimal and shows considerable geographical variation .
10 At this stage suffice it to say that the naive , unreconstructed quantity theory of money is normally introduced at this stage ‘ purely for the purposes of exposition ’ .
11 I just I I just feel at this stage
12 Runners are generally suffering at this stage ( 23.5 6o 24.5 miles ) and will need all the support they can get .
13 er the building er effectively would have only just commenced at that stage
14 Motion is still restricted at this stage , but as the temperature increases further a larger number of chains begin to move with greater freedom .
15 The committal — this is a preliminary hearing in a magistrates ' court and little information usually emerges at this stage .
16 Finds that are fragile or should not be washed for any other reason ( such as metalwork ) are also sorted at this stage .
17 However , it also seemed at this stage that science depended on uniformity and invariance .
18 Multi-stage sampling surveys of this kind are most effective when the sampling units are carefully stratified at each stage .
19 The next most significant bit ( bit 1 ) is also set at this stage and these two bits of the accumulator are then written to the PIA lines used as the direction and clock start/stop signals .
20 Some parts of the painting , such as the area around the clock tower are nearly finished at this stage .
21 Some parts of the painting , such as the area around the clock tower are nearly finished at this stage .
22 I recall some years ago that a young postgraduate student who was designing a schedule containing a lot of attitude questions had his schedule internally tested at this stage by a number of people and practically every question he had put was a double one .
23 The chunks of marc are often transferred at this stage to a séchoir- a smaller , deeper , vertical press — or to a horizontal press to be squeezed out .
24 ‘ But my life never really started at any stage — which I know you wo n't believe , but it 's true — so it never really got stopped at any point .
25 As a safeguard , they recommended that a magistrates ' court should be required to sanction any detention after twenty-four hours and that the suspect should be legally represented at this stage , so that his or her point of view could be put across .
26 I think his er the best thing to do would be simply to acknowledge at that stage , as Bill did , yeah that is an important area erm say yeah that 's something we can help you on , indeed it 's something many of my clients erm have found that Friends Provident is really very good at organizing , we 've got plans specifically designed for that but rather than look at that now , let's look at the overall picture
27 The work naturally becomes more analytical and mathematically challenging at this stage .
28 A mistake frequently made at this stage is to define the entities to reflect the processes of the business , such as stock control , credit control or sales order processing .
29 It will probably not go unnoticed if you appear well organized at this stage , and it will certainly help you to appear at the right place and at the right time looking calm and unruffled .
30 Games , simulation and competition environments could be well employed at this stage .
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