Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] mind [that] " in BNC.

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1 For our immediate purposes , we need only keep in mind that particular public sector organizations can fall in either of the categories of Type A non-profit and Type B non-profit .
2 Now , as well as the fortifications , I think one wants to erm very much keep in mind that the citizens of St Aldate 's were constantly being asked for money .
3 So bear in mind that when food writers say that an adult man needs around 2000 calories per day , they really mean that he needs 2000 kcals , or Calories : that is , two million calories !
4 Nothing dates faster than bathroom colours , so bear in mind that the colour you choose for the bathroom may make your house difficult to sell in the future .
5 There is every reason to believe that this degree of movement was typical of the corn-growing regions , but we have to constantly bear in mind that one part of England may have very different experiences from another and that even neighbouring communities might have contrasting stories to tell .
6 Until she proved otherwise she had to constantly bear in mind that he might be the enemy .
7 And we are moving into an age , I think it must be recognised , where some of the traditional jobs for girls , for example , secretaries , shops , things of this sort , are actually being decreased because of the technological revolution , so bearing in mind that something like seventy per cent of women are actually in employment , it 's very important that a girl , at the age of thirteen or fourteen , does not decide to cut herself off from the possibility of employment in these technological , engineering fields .
8 Is my right hon. Friend aware that it is important that we have a debate soon on Kashmir , especially bearing in mind that the right hon. Member for Birmingham , Sparkbrook ( Mr. Hattersley ) , in his capacity as deputy leader of the Labour party , has pledged his party to support self-determination for Kashmir ?
9 ‘ Is n't it also unacceptable that it took the management of British Nuclear Fuels longer than one might expect to make this incident public , especially bearing in mind that Dr Lewis Moonie [ a Labour front-bencher ] and I actually visited this site on Thursday and Friday of last week and were not informed that these excessive discharges had taken place ? ’
10 And just bear in mind that if you 're having a blood transfusion , you could actually be having having the blood of a smoker .
11 For the time being , just bear in mind that there are these two styles .
12 Just bear in mind that you are forty-eight
13 I think it 's also worth just bearing in mind that we 're talking about only one percent of the erm of the farmed land i in this county , we 're not talking about banning hunting in in er in Leicestershire , we 're talking about what we 're saying on one percent there are tens of thousand of fields in in this county nothing can change overnight , even if this er motion goes through because the tenants will still have the rights to decide , it 's only when you actually start getting to new tenancy agreements that you will be in a position if you wish , to start to change things and therefore I suppose at the end of erm , at the end of five years you might have a hundred or two hundred fields on which this ban will apply but you will still have tens of thousand of fields on which the , the hunt will still be , the hunts in this county will still be free to , erm , to operate .
14 One has always to bear in mind that for very many people in early-modern England — in the towns as much as in the countryside — the home was also the place of work .
15 It must be further borne in mind that , right to the end , the vast majority of the Cossacks were to continue to see themselves , regardless of their own individual status or background , as a collective entity .
16 Echoing this anxiety over the future of democracy at the end of the First World War , another government inspector wrote of the need to keep working-class youth ‘ in touch with ‘ the forces of civilisation ’ , for it was necessary always to keep in mind that ‘ we are training a whole social class ’ .
17 Always bear in mind that when they flower outdoors at their natural time the temperature is unlikely to reach 60°F ( 15°C ) for more than a day or two .
18 In the words of Abraham Lincoln ‘ Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing ’ .
19 Always bear in mind that the diet may not be the answer .
20 Always bear in mind that self-defence is not a martial art , nor is it unarmed combat .
21 In fact , if you always bear in mind that once a table is set for dining , lights lowered , candles lit , that table becomes an oasis , complete in itself , you can make a dining room wherever the table is .
22 We must please be clear about those factors which actually matter , always bearing in mind that it is for the county council in the first instance and perhaps for the panel in the second instance , to take a decision about the suppression of past migration trends .
23 Whatever I have recommended , you should always bear in mind that to a great degree tackle is a personal affair .
24 However , all businesses must always bear in mind that in Community law , privilege only attaches to communications with independent legal advisers and not with in-house Counsel .
25 One should always bear in mind that he never went back on his sympathy for the early stages of the Revolution , and his statement in 1821 , at the height of his Toryism , when he was accused of deserting France , has its own indestructible logic : ‘ You have been deluded by places and persons , while I have stuck to principles .
26 Fishkeepers should always bear in mind that the majority of their fish have over the period of evolution become adapted to live in a certain environment — sea , river , swamp , lake , etc … each with its own specific limits of water chemistry and quality .
27 One must always bear in mind that the settlement pattern of England 's industrial regions was altered beyond recognition during the course of the nineteenth century .
28 Also bear in mind that you might want to catch your fish one day , so make their hiding places accessible or removable .
29 Also bear in mind that the eventual target speed for this is around 160 bpm for each crotchet , which for most people will obviously take a lot of practice to achieve .
30 Also bear in mind that if you want to make some authentic-looking rose buds , each one will only need three or four petals , so several buds can be made from one flower .
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