Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] head [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Spalvins — one of the few Australian entrepreneurs still to hold his head high — declared his intention of imposing five directors on Bell Resources .
2 It can be dangerous because I often cut my head open . ’
3 With a new single imminent and a debut album currently in the writing stage ( both definitely on the funky tip ) , Jamiroquai can justifiably hold his head high .
4 She tried gamely to hold her head high and proud , but to no avail .
5 Images kept on coming at me which , like a crazy horse , I tried to resist , defiantly tossing my head high , but each new picture flashing into my mind enraged me more and more and I shook my head frantically from side to side .
6 ‘ And when you see Bellybutton , tell him that I know where his brother is , and I 'll pick the bastard up whenever I choose and then feed him head first into a cane-shredder . ’
7 This is a man whose idea of love-making is to mash his partner against a wall , rip off her knickers , and then throw her head first down on the sofa .
8 One bridled gilly held his head high and with effort painful to watch , gulped down a long sand eel , head first .
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