Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [pron] come [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The purpose of of these four orders , which I must say I greatly welcome , it is one of the , the most beneficial things to come out of the B C C I er disaster er and er i if I can say in in effectively in answer to everything the honourable gentleman for Great Grimsby said and he and I have debated on many occasions , if fact usually on the television not on the floor of the house , but er an an an an because of it for not quite so long either , er but erm th the point I would make to his is that really what he was saying was th that what went wrong with B C C I is that Price Waterhouse knew there was fraud and did n't say so and that wha what Lord Justice Bingham pointed out was that there is a clear conflict of interest between the interest of the client who they work for and the public interest and that what needed , what was needed was some amendment to the banking act to clarify that and that is precisely what er this order actually does and you ca n't really er Madam Deputy Speaker , expect anyone to really seriously criticise the government when in actual fact not only have they come up with the regulation to deal with that but they 've also gone further and said we will apply this to financial services and to building societies and to insurance companies as well , just to be absolutely sure .
2 you just want something come back to the people I was talking originally in the week , that
3 they 're just watch it come in , drill the cage , the cage turns and comes in .
4 People who try to hurt him usually find they come off a lot worse than he does . ’
5 Surely it helped with the welcomes they received all down the river with locals for ever insisting they come in for meals , to stay , to be guests of honour in parties for the whole town , to be driven round and shown the sights and to have their strange English accents listened to .
6 Only now has she come in from the cold with her eleventh book being published by Collins ( at £10.95 ) .
7 I never even noticed him come back cos I thought I 'll leave back door unlocked and he come in and he put me hat and me keys down there , cos I noticed
8 If entering a show , you may well find you come up trumps , mainly because you feel so fit and full of life .
9 I could almost see her come out of the water with her short hair glistening wet and pressed to her forehead .
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