Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] the light " in BNC.

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1 Mr Palomar can be read as a series of representations of the world , attempted reproductions and descriptions of the out-there being constantly modified in the light of new experience and new information .
2 Every bend reveals another staggering visual feast and it is all to do with the light , the dynamic mountain ridges , the pure white sandy beaches and the undisturbed peace .
3 The wizard 's mouth was open , and his face was brilliantly lit by the light of — what ?
4 To take a rather obvious example , women 's liberation today is better understood in the light of its ambient social and economic circumstances than as the inevitable culmination of the nineteenth-century suffragette movement .
5 There is nothing in the present that can not be better understood in the light of its historical context and origins ; ii ) to arouse interest in the past .
6 Rokeya looked like a figure in a strangely exposed photograph , silhouetted , caught , highly defined by the light , like a prisoner running from a concentration camp , cruelly and horribly revealed by a roof-top guard 's spotlight .
7 Even in the midst of " participating " we are constantly interpreting in the light of what we know and expect .
8 In many cases accounts are held back until completion of an investigation but the position will recur year after year and would have to be constantly reviewed in the light of the current stage of the investigation .
9 Although it has a long history , the paradox of the Prisoners ' Dilemma has recently been much studied for the light it may shed on the evolution of altruistic or cooperative behaviour .
10 She came to his side and stared along the alley at the two men who were standing unwarily outlined in the light of a held lantern .
11 What seemed an age was only seconds , fractions of seconds , before her open eyes no longer responded to the light they received .
12 That choice is best made in the light of the conditions that prevail at the time .
13 Theories can be conclusively falsified in the light of suitable evidence , whereas they can never be established as true or even probably true whatever the evidence .
14 She could just see by the light of the wrought-iron lamps that he was wearing a shirt with frilled sleeves , and that his hair fell about his face .
15 Reasonableness is thus judged in the light of circumstances known and foreseeable at the time the contract was made .
16 Of these , the latter two were especially criticized for their poor records of arrest and/or inactivity ; records perhaps best viewed in the light of the legislation they sought to enforce , the complexity of the offences they where obliged to detect , and last , but by no means least , the limited resources , in terms of finance , manpower , and expertise , made available to them .
17 I do n't just go for the light .
18 Mr Rusk replied that the inference that the United States had decided to abandon the Republic of Korea to its enemies was scarcely warranted in the light of the substantial material aid and political support which we had furnished and were furnishing to that Republic .
19 The end of the striptease is then no longer to drag into the light a hidden depth , but to signify , through the shedding of an incongruous and artificial clothing , nakedness as a natural vesture of woman , which amounts in the end to regaining a perfectly chaste state of the flesh .
20 At first in the shadow of the wall it seemed pitch black , but his eyes rapidly adjusted to the light , or lack of it .
21 Furthermore , there is opportunity for multicellular plants to grow , firmly anchored to the rocks , but still exposed to the light ; and many animals — sessile mussels and barnacles ; anemones , which are almost sessile ; and animals that are only modest movers , such as starfish , winkles , and limpets — find a handy substrate and convenient grazing .
22 These issues of survival and quality of life have to be further considered in the light that all such patients in this series who did not receive a suitable donor organ died during their hospital admission .
23 They always fly towards the light do flies , so it 's no trouble .
24 This course would enable 5 Corps to be tactically disposed in the light of new policy , or ( b ) a proportion at least of the numbers should be returned to Italy and concentrated under the same arrangements that are being made for surrendered personnel of Army Group SW .
25 If you choose a switched FCU , it can also act as the light 's on/off switch .
26 Three further bedrooms and a family bathroom are also accessed from the light , airy first-floor landing .
27 His mantra like repetition of the lyrics continued as the others emerged wide eyed into the light .
28 Guidance was first published in 1973 , and it has been periodically revised in the light of experience gained .
29 However , the Bill did not incorporate all of the safeguards against this possibility that were adumbrated in the White Paper , and it was substantially redrafted in the light of opposition objections in the course of its Parliamentary passage .
30 Not that their slightly geekish demeanour really matters in the light of much of tonight 's set .
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