Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [prep] the former " in BNC.

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1 The special methods of sensitivity analysis are only used in the former step so we shall concentrate on that .
2 Most of this amount was in fact credits hitherto allocated to the former Soviet Union which had now been unblocked .
3 In 1305 the abbot of Thorney in the Fens complained that the abbot of Peterborough ‘ lately by night raised a dyke across the high road ’ , and so cut off the former 's access to corn and pasture .
4 This team was largely drawn from the former municipal tramways and included G. V. Stanley and L. Marriott from Croydon Corporation .
5 France , whose relations with China were already strained after the former 's strong criticism of the Tiananmen Square repression , defended the deal on the grounds that the vessels would be sold without armaments .
6 This means that there will be brain systems present in both rats and humans that can be just as easily studied in the former as in the latter .
7 Having congratulated Cabinet members on their return , Major yesterday baffled the gathering by noting that the new Attorney General , Sir Nicholas Lyell , lived in a house that was once occupied by the former Kent cricketer Alfred Mynn .
8 Meanwhile , the British Red Cross has been contacted by many people across the region offering accommdation and help if more wounded from the former Yugoslavia are brought here in future .
9 Malcolm Toon , a special US envoy inquiring into US prisoners of war still held in the former Soviet Union , was quoted on July 1 as saying that he had found no evidence to substantiate the claims made by Russian President Boris Yeltsin in June [ see p. 38986 ] .
10 After that , however , Jacobs was clearly outpointed by the former world champion James McGirt in New York .
11 A judicial investigation had opened on July 7 , 1989 , into the possible involvement of Blecha , Gratz and a former Federal Chancellor , Alfred ( Fred ) Sinowatz , and the court dealing with the affair began preliminary inquiries in September into the role played by the SPÖ Finance Minister , Ferdinand Lacina ( Minister for Transport and State Industries at the time ) ; similar inquiries were also initiated into the former Defence Minister , Friedhelm Frischenschläger ( FPÖ ) , and a former Minister of the Interior and of Foreign Minister , Erwin Lanc ( SPÖ ) .
12 With just 3,839 points , however , the odds are now stacked against the former Middlesbrough and Cleveland Harrier reaching 7,850 points , the qualifying score the winner must achieve to claim an automatic place in Britain 's Olympic team .
13 What had hitherto been regional versions of folk and country music now joined with the former ‘ racist ’ music of the coloured population , creating through cross-fertilisation modern , i.e. ‘ pop ’ , music .
14 The observed differences are local and mainly restricted to the former metal sites and their environment .
15 Hence , the emphasis of our work which , broadly speaking , is concerned with helping either organizations , by which I mean galleries and arts centres , or individuals , in other words artists , craftsmen , photographers , and is increasingly directed to the former in the belief that if we can help them , these centres and galleries , towards adequate levels of staffing and expertise , they in their turn , and much less artificially than we , will be able to help the individual artist .
16 The London Deaf Video Project ( LDVP ) , established in 1985 and initially funded by the former Greater London Council , exists to provide the deaf community with information through video tapes in BSL Subjects treated so far include AIDS , welfare benefits , the dangers of smoking solicitors and their services , and the need for retirement .
17 But from his identifying a person 's body as it appears to that person with that person 's ‘ introspected self ’ , it would seem that Mace can not mean what is ordinarily meant by the former phrase .
18 The federal Ministry of the Interior announced on Sept. 6 that the World Federation of Trade Unions ( WFTU ) , the International Union of Students ( IUS ) and the International Organization of Journalists ( IOJ ) — all closely associated with the former international communist system — would no longer be allowed to base their activities in Czechoslovakia .
19 Initiated by France and the United Kingdom , the summit had reportedly been convened to grant de facto recognition to the permanent membership of Russia which , on Dec. 24 , had informed the UN of its intention to assume membership of all UN organs previously held by the former Soviet Union .
20 Brigade command headquarters were also established in the buildings , which were systematically wrecked by the former Yugoslav army .
21 63b ) are also-probably related to the former at an integral level of affinity .
22 On Jan. 2 institutes and university departments in the eastern Länder deemed to have been too politically corrupted by the former East German communist regime were closed amid student protests .
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