Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [prep] control of " in BNC.

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1 The problem is as Mr has said , if that is expected to be replicated across future years , this would represent a ten percent reduction in the statutory service , er , which is only partly under control of this Committee , with mixed responsibilities with the Registrar General .
2 For someone who seems so firmly in control of his career , Jonathon Morris claims a surprising lack of confidence when it comes to his personal appearance .
3 Now it is not always possible to be so absolutely in control of food intake that the slim person can guarantee each meal will be a low fat , low sugar , and fairly low-calorie affair .
4 I was learning was how to feel less obsessed with controlling my eating and my body , and a little more in control of my life .
5 With the scarlet and gold robe firmly in place , at least she felt a little more in control of the situation .
6 In a sense , just as out and out dementia is less interesting than neurosis and eccentricity , so the music of these episodes , with their rather obvious distortions and wrong attributions of earlier themes , is less gripping than the Passacaglia , where Grimes was still somewhat in control of his faculties .
7 The user is still firmly in control of what goes where at every stage of the document 's creation and the program has lost none of that intuitive feel .
8 This meant that museums not only became progressively poorer , but also less in control of their purchasing policies .
9 The revolution was also clearly in control of armed power within Cuba .
10 While she is now more in control of herself and her life , her fate hangs in the balance .
11 Kenya Television on April 29 quoted aid workers to the effect that forces loyal to the USC were now firmly in control of the town .
12 Some knew about the various methods of pain relief available , but others had no idea at all , and this made them feel even less in control of what was happening to them .
13 Such rumours suggest at the very least a readiness to believe that the highest leadership of State and military was — to put it mildly — no longer in control of the situation .
14 If rest and relaxation are purely passive — from flopping in front of a TV to meditation on emptying the mind — we are no longer in control of what enters our minds or unconscious .
15 In Addis Ababa Tesfaye Gebre Kidan told the Italian ambassador and the US chargé d'affaires that he was no longer in control of the military .
16 Spontaneity is by no means sacrificed by ‘ inhibition ’ — the cat , spontaneous and graceful in action and yet perfectly in control of its responses , is a wonderful example of what can be achieved this way .
17 ‘ I 'm not yet fully in control of my own performance , ’ he will tell me .
18 While Pollitt was not satisfied that the United Front was being used sufficiently to the advantage of the Party , he warned at the Thirteenth Congress in February 1935 that the Communists should not be too obviously in control of the campaign for Unity .
19 When the Civil War broke out in England in the 1640s , it could be taken calmly enough in most of the American colonies because the colonists had no particular desire for changes ; in Maryland the Protestants did want changes , and by 1655 they had taken power from the Catholic minority , though the new government was never completely in control of the situation and Catholics maintained a more satisfactory position than they could have in any other territory under English rule at the time .
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