Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [adv] long [subord] " in BNC.

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1 For ‘ the game ’ was one that everyone played , and that was all right so long as you took your losses without squealing .
2 ‘ Papa says it 's all right so long as there are other people around . ’
3 But Miss Philimore seems to think she 's all right so long as she 's watched , and it would save me having to look for someone else . ’
4 The building was rectangular , generally twice as long as wide and had an apse at one or both ends .
5 The Martian year is nearly twice as long as Earth 's , although its ‘ day ’ is virtually the same .
6 That is nearly twice as long as patients should have to wait according to the John Major 's Patients ' Charter .
7 It also criticized the manufacturers and contractors for lax planning and supervision of the project , the first aircraft having taken nearly twice as long as planned to build .
8 The peculiar design of funnel shown in the drawing would work perfectly well so long as the input was pretty focused .
9 What is more important , the complex algorithm is shown to take roughly twice as long as the simple algorithm across all window sizes .
10 It will be about twice as long as the goods brake and , as Colin 's article states , it will be carried on No. 5 's bogies and used as a mobile shop/ticket office/refreshment car .
11 Snooker frames with Julian last about twice as long as they do with anybody else .
12 The adoral shields are about twice as long as broad not particularly wing-like and not separating the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate .
13 The adoral shields are large prominent about twice as long as broad and only just separating the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate .
14 The adoral shields are larger about twice as long as broad , slightly curved , and do not separate the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate .
15 The adoral shields are large , about twice as long as broad , and do not separate the oral shield from the first lateral arm plate .
16 The radial shields are irregularly tear drop shaped about twice as long as broad and separated along their entire length .
17 The radial shields are about twice as long as broad , separated by a wedge of plates , nearly half the disk radius in length .
18 The radial shields are equal to or less than half the disk radius , about twice as long as broad and contiguous only distally .
19 The radial shields are about twice as long as broad , small triangular .
20 The radial shields are about twice as long as broad and contiguous only distally .
21 The radial shields are about twice as long as broad ; in small specimens they may be contiguous along their whole length , in larger specimen they become separated by a single triangular plate or by a wedge of plates .
22 Now the machine-code analogy works well only so long as we forget that all a computer program has to do is run .
23 Well , of course , it did not take very long for people to realize that if someone wanted to sell his company and retire to the country with the proceeds , these provisions could be used to postpone payment of capital gains tax almost indefinitely so long as he was prepared to continue to hold the shares issued to him and to treat them as an investment .
24 Thus many modern historians of classical Greece follow Thucydides and other commentators in arguing that democracy worked quite well so long as the populace was content to follow the leadership of educated spokesmen of the upper class like Pericles : " It was he who led them , rather than they who led him …
25 The Act 's 238 sections and 13 schedules make it almost twice as long as the 1944 Education Act and it is certainly comparable in significance .
26 The average working week of housewiv es in this sample is seventy-seven hours — almost twice as long as an industrial working week of forty hours .
27 This innovation makes it possible to produce rugs that are almost twice as long as the distance between the horizontal beams .
28 In fact , depending on the size of the excavation and the range of finds , more people may be engaged in the post-excavation analysis than during the actual excavation ; and whatever the size of the site , the post-excavation analysis takes at least twice as long as the excavation itself .
29 In the male , the body is at least twice as long as the manubrium , while in the female , it is relatively shorter .
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