Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] level [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 In the United Kingdom many midwives , obstetricians , and mothers would consider this an unacceptably high level of intervention in an otherwise normal physiological process .
32 The location was unusual : the consulting room of a medical specialist where I was to learn the cause of the unacceptably high level of pain from which my sister has suffered for the past five years .
33 Because , perhaps surprisingly to its critics , the survey reveals lawyers are achieving an impressively high level of client satisfaction .
34 This may help them assess the range of teaching quality within the school , on the assumption that a generally high level of provision across the week for a given class will tend to produce better attendance and vice versa .
35 This found not only a generally high level of support for the police , but that this spread throughout the class structure ( indeed was marginally higher in the working class ) .
36 Indeed , it is undoubtedly the Wolfenden Committee who were responsible for the generally high level of debate concerning reform of the law in this area in the following eight or nine years .
37 It appears that this procedure is rarely used because of the ignorance and fear of disgruntled clients and because there appears to be a generally high level of satisfaction with the services provided .
38 The WEU spent much of the period from mid-1990 to mid-1991 in redefining its role and its aspirations in the light of the generally decreasing level of superpower tensions , and particularly in the light of the United States ' plans to withdraw a large proportion of its troops from NATO bases in Europe .
39 One word of warning though : if you are someone whose daily life involves a strong competitive element , you would do well to avoid too much in the way of competitive sport ( squash , tennis and so on ) as your form of exercise as these will only tend to maintain an already high level of stress .
40 MAFF says that only 1 per cent of the 2,500 samples analysed in 1990 and 1991 exceeded Maximum Residue Levels , although the Pesticides Trust commented that this was a worryingly high level for staple foods .
41 Add to this a generally shallow level of discourse marked by cliché calls for ‘ cultural growth ’ and ‘ multicultural relativity ’ , and you will begin to sense the absurdity of this function of UNESCO 's museum arm .
42 Though a few traveller families and children will continue to require individual services , as in the rest of the population , a generally increased level of surveillance and individualised casework will not provide the answer .
43 For even at the generally modest level of competition that Beckenham offers , the British are shown to be dismal failures .
44 The most obvious level of psychology 's ambiguous significations is that of its writing .
45 Instead of being treated as our own ancestors , the Neanderthals of Europe and the more primitive ‘ Java man ’ were dismissed as distinct forms of pseudo-humanity , driven into marginal locations by the expansion of true humans with a more advanced level of intelligence .
46 There are no other comparable arrangements however , and as a separate facet of this sequence they are relatively uninstructive and more profitably considered at a more specific level of affinity ( section 2.2 and 3.3 , below pp. 30 and 33 ) .
47 There are signs at times of a reversion to a more primitive level of superstition in the play , a slipping beneath Christianity to Frazerian rituals half hinted at , but suppressed beneath normal life .
48 What in general can not be claimed for him is a specially high level of distinction as a designer .
49 At this more detailed level of analysis , the most important shift in the geography of manufacturing since the mid-1960s has been the decline of the inner cities and the conurbations and the relative growth of outer metropolitan areas and smaller towns .
50 This definition of deindustrialization is concerned with the ability of the economy to produce a socially acceptable level of employment ( full employment ) in a context where the unemployment level is itself a product of government regulations about definitions and individuals ' propensity to register .
51 We therefore begin , in Chapter 2 , by examining the argument frequently put forward that the new technology is leading to wholesale job destruction and hence a permanently high level of unemployment .
52 We are trying to develop a more consistent level of business overseas , whether it is concerned with Group or other people 's technology .
53 At a more sophisticated level of writing , antislavery was able to infiltrate the pages of the Edinburgh Review through Henry Brougham 's own contributions and his influence with Francis Jeffrey .
54 These estimates thus assume a nationally undifferentiated level of disease prevalence or bed-occupancy .
55 defining a sensible unit of measurement as the ‘ job ’ ; many systems give a totally inadequate level of control through jobs being defined too widely ;
56 It is this kind of objective correspondence which makes it possible for the experience of racism to become connected to paranoid structures of feeling and phantasy which originate at a quite different and more unconscious level of representation .
57 But the hotel does have the advantage of being able to offer a scenic and historic location and the more personalised level of service that a small independent hotel can offer .
58 There is also another and much more fundamental level of critique and debate .
59 But as a work of fiction , a novel has a more abstract level of existence , which in principle is partly independent of the language through which it is represented , and may be realize for example , through the visual medium of film .
60 It goes without saying that semantic variants also involve differences of expression — of syntax and graphology/phonology — since codings at the more abstract level of meaning have consequences of expression .
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