Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] the view of " in BNC.

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1 It is generally accepted that this theory accords better with the view of modern science and is superior to that of Kant .
2 This claim will be considered in more detail later in the chapter , together with the view of some market theorists that the operation of market forces renders liability rules in this area superfluous .
3 Because yes , we did say we were n't going to use tropical markets , erm perhaps in the view of some of the things Bob Plumtree 's been saying , perhaps that was a little bit premature , perhaps we would want for some countries tropical woods , might want to reconsider , but erm I think that 's something for the future , that 's not for this afternoon .
4 Deborah Sherwin , prosecuting , said many of the guns were modified in order to disable them but not sufficiently in the view of scientists who examined them .
5 The theories looked at thus far have moved away from the view of the criminal as clearly distinguishable from the non-criminal .
6 The growing interest in exploring the ‘ stored information about … objects held by individuals ’ — sometimes referred to as cognitions — marks a shift away from the view of the media as of great importance in the formation of individual and specific attitudes or opinions .
7 Calculations had been based , unreasonably in the view of many , on an imminent re-opening of the mine and a rapid return to full production .
8 Will he accept that in the United States of America , the land of free enterprise , it was concluded that voluntary arrangements would never sufficiently overcome discrimination against employment and will he respond positively to the view of the employers forum on disability and the law society as well as three hundred and eleven honourable members of this house who have signed E D M number two that the time has now come for legislation to ban discrimination against in er disabled people in respect of employment in this country .
9 The British Library 's recent reports , Research Libraries in Transition and The Research Process , the most extensive surveys so far of the view of British academics , confirm the widely held opinion that academic research is being hampered by a decline in the quality of the collections in research libraries .
10 ‘ Mr and Mrs Gould are now in the Colony ’ proclaimed the Hobart Town Courier , ‘ to which they have come at great expense and sacrifice of comfort , purely with the view of making this work [ Birds of Australia ] still more valuable by taking their drawings from living specimens .
11 Western security is for all practical purposes , non-existent , at least in the view of Russian diplomats who have served in the West .
12 Scott himself , at least in the view of Ruskin , is guilty of this sentimental vagueness , sensing his buildings rather than perceiving them .
13 Previously the support from central government was to some extent related to the provision of services , which were themselves related to local needs , at least in the view of the local authority .
14 The very fact that multimedia is becoming such an intense area of activity today suggests that , at least in the view of hardware and software developers , the technological capability has arrived .
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