Example sentences of "[pers pn] care [adv] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Not that I cared much for the way he kept them .
2 I care not for the hurt if it indeed avenged your insults , my lord , ’ Isabel retorted .
3 They cared little for the landscape in which they worked .
4 Considering themselves to be superior , they cared little for the ordinary person and looked down on the sinners .
5 Stage shows made Leonard Bernstein a very rich man , but he said he cared little for the money , his great love was for the music .
6 Friends say he cared deeply for the countryside and worked tirelessly to improve the public rights of way network through his job as footpath officer for the Richmondshire group of the ramblers ' association , which he helped to start .
7 He cares neither for the broad sweep of grand strategy nor for the narrow focus of specific campaigns , so he ignores both government archives and the memoirs of the great and the good .
8 It is unknown to find any subject of Her Majesty who does not say , when asked , that he cares passionately for the Health Service , and believes that more money should be spent on it .
9 In fact , ultimately ( as " the most honest theoretical man " , Lessing , perceived ) he cares more for the search after truth than for truth itself .
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