Example sentences of "[pers pn] grow up in the " in BNC.

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1 Thinking back to those days , I realize how different I should be today had I grown up in the suburban house in London , suggested to my mother .
2 I grew up in the Swinging Sixties , ’ she broke in : ‘ Beatlemania , flower children , magic mushrooms .
3 ‘ I do n't use drugs myself , but I grew up in the South Bronx where heroin use was all around me .
4 ‘ He and I grew up in the same town .
5 In Liverpool , where I grew up in the early 1960s , one could no more not have an interest in football than fly to the moon .
6 I had a bit of an interest in gardens because I grew up in the country at Drewsteignton , but I always think I was very lucky to get that job at Castle Drogo — straight in as a single-handed gardener with no experience .
7 ‘ Perhaps not , but , as I already told you , I grew up in the business , ’ she returned hotly .
8 I grew up in the country , ’ she murmured , not sure why she had told him that because it had no bearing on the subject .
9 I grew up in the same street as Alex Maskey , ’ said Mr Blair who also knew SF 's Paddy McManus many years ago .
10 Er what was your first idea of what you was gon na be when you grow up in the first place ?
11 You grew up in the countryside and you could n't wait to get away from it !
12 If you grew up in the Bill and Ben age then you might be a little confused by the exhuberance of the Sesame Street characters but if you 're under 30 , a long way under 30 , you 'll know Purple Honker , Telemonster , Elmo , Grover and Cookie Monster pretty well .
13 She grew up in the African bush , and came to love the many wild animals as well as the domestic animals on her father 's farm .
14 She grew up in the area , most recently living in Northallerton where she worked for North Yorkshire county council .
15 She grew up in the north-east of England and graduated from Somerville College , Oxford , with first-class honours in modern history .
16 We grew up in the '70s , and that 's what we were told , and then we grew up and all of a sudden they say no , you ca n't do that .
17 We grew up in the same turnin' , yer see .
18 Accommodation and compromise have not characterized the attitudes and actions of the young university-educated activists of the DUP of recent years because they grew up in the zero-sum game , and even if they forgot its rules long enough to consider shifting the DUP 's aims , there is no reason to suppose that the voters would support them in their deviation .
19 He grew up in the public spotlight , never free from prying eyes and press comment , never sure when a trusted friend would betray him , or when a casual remark to a stranger might blow up in his face .
20 Of the rest , some were already leaving Ottery to begin their careers by the time Coleridge 's own memories began , and he grew up in the schoolmaster 's house chiefly among the younger family members who remained .
21 He grew up in the capital Pretoria , a city with jacarandas , bureaucrats , uniforms .
22 Stoker had a poorly childhood in Dublin , and he grew up in the city of Sheridan Le Fanu who took opium and drank green tea , and wrote a truly dreadful tale about a lamia by name of Carmilla , who , as lamias often do , set out to suck the blood from a virginal girl called Laura .
23 Ken Hom was born in Arizona of Chinese parents and he grew up in the Chinese community in Chicago — a creature of two cultures .
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