Example sentences of "[pers pn] stand [adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I stand there a bit , organising myself .
2 If I stood here the machine would go to that wall and the same that way and then round , in diameter .
3 I 'll empty the pockets , and you stand back a bit .
4 She could see lights on inside and men moving about , and as she stood there a policeman in uniform came out of the front door .
5 She stood there a moment , suddenly aware of how still he was .
6 She stood there a moment , looking out across the pre-dawn darkness of the spaceport , barely conscious of the passengers pushing by , knowing that this was probably the last view she would ever have of City Europe — the City in which she had spent her whole life .
7 Then he stepped towards her to stand just a couple of feet away .
8 I remember watching the television report showing him standing over a map in the local Party headquarters , sweeping his hand across it presumably indicating which areas were to disappear from the face of the earth .
9 You can get them with long pins each si have them standing up the board and then you have another board , a board with a so you can
10 It stands out a mile ; she never was much of an actress , ’ he drawled .
11 Oh god it stands out a mile , quite a good photo , it looks as though he just about
12 Every golfer in the world experiences that awful feeling of helplessness when he stands over a putt and knows that he has not the slightest chance of getting the ball near the hole , let alone into it .
13 He stood there a while longer , mindlessly enjoying the flow of water over his limbs .
14 He stood there a moment , not certain what to do , then let instinct take over .
15 He stood there a moment longer , watching her , then turned and made his way back along the path towards the house .
16 ‘ As he stood there the sky over the house screamed .
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