Example sentences of "[pers pn] live [prep] a time " in BNC.

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1 We lived for a time in Washington DC , ’ she said slowly .
2 WE live at a time when reporters go to foreign countries where there is trouble and come back to write books in which they say that it was hard to make out what was going on .
3 It is probably the case that we live in a time when the cultural return of homosexuality exacerbates , even intensifies , the psychic return of repressed homosexuality .
4 We live in a time when television tells us what our world is like and what lifestyles other people have and we can copy .
5 And , yes , Edward could point out that we live in a time when the very meaning of the word myth has been debased , that it has come to signify only what is untrue , false , misleading ; and , yes , I could largely agree that it is nevertheless by myths we live , and what matters is how large the contrary truths a myth reconciles in its embrace .
6 However , he lived at a time when the centuries-old Almagest of the Egyptian scholar Claudius Ptolemy was still being used by the Church to defend the doctrines of Scripture with ‘ evidence ’ and ‘ confirmation ’ ( not that Ptolemy had ever had the remotest idea that his book would support the Bible ! ) .
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