Example sentences of "[pers pn] at the moment [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Well that , that 's why I think I went down so hard when I did n't get that job cos she said , I , I took , I took the erm , I went , I was the first , to go , first of all I did n't put in for this job it 's one that 's been laying around since last September , I wrote to , kept to St. Mary 's for this mental health thing and I got in touch with this Mrs and she said I 've got nothing I can offer you at the moment but I , I will be in touch and I went down the job centre one day and erm , there was this thing to say that they wanted mental nurses
2 If it 's worth more than a hundred and fifty thousand pounds between you at the moment and you leave it all to your surviving spouse then when he or she dies in due course and if those figures have n't altered they 'll be inheritance tax to pay .
3 She was terribly grateful to him at the moment and it would n't require any effort on his part .
4 The plonker does n't actually know how to operate it at the moment but he will once he 's passed his night school exams .
5 Er , as I say , I 'm ra , I 'm very pessimistic about it at the moment but
6 ‘ His neighbour is looking after it at the moment but I do n't think she 'll be prepared to keep it indefinitely .
7 There is nothing in it at the moment that I would want my name associated with . ’
8 You may not feel it at the moment because I 've blocked your mind from the pain .
9 Actually erm I 'm not really into it at the moment because I ca n't sort of make myself get in there , you know ?
10 Now , it 's not clear to me at the moment that that is going to be the direction , say , of the Roman Catholic Church , because we seem to have a much more conservative Pope and there are conservative movements growing up in all the churches , you 've only got to look at Reagan 's America and the way you find counterparts to that kind of religious conservatism in all the European countries .
11 I know the people around me at the moment and I know they work 100 per cent for me .
12 My daughter is not with me at the moment and I do n't know when she 'll come back .
13 It 's all beyond me at the moment as well !
14 Erm she 's doing numeracy power with them at the moment before she gets on to the because I believe she 's got to sort out some programs for as yet .
15 So briefly , it was started in the er , late sixties early seventies , companies with over a thousand employees which had their member states er , at least nine hundred of them at the moment that particular covering at least thirteen point six million people .
16 ‘ She 'll want to take a look at those eyes of yours , whether anything can be done about them at the moment or not , and even if it is Boxing Day . ’
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