Example sentences of "[pers pn] have become [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I had become a skinny , sickly , snuffly bronchial child .
2 I had become a good and conscientious boy .
3 I had become a strong swimmer mainly to conquer fear . ’
4 I had become a current affair — how odd !
5 I would feel I had become a different person .
6 It did not matter that I had rejected my father 's ways , that I had become a marine and was as poor as a church mouse while McIllvanney had become a rich man ; the stench of privilege still clung to me and McIllvanney loved to discomfort me because of it .
7 Since getting the equipment two years ago , I 've become an avid collector of compact discs — to a point little short of addiction .
8 Since I got my FAA seaplane rating a dozen years ago I have become a complete convert to aquatic aviation , trying my hand at it whenever I get the opportunity .
9 At one time when he had been going out a lot with a Jewish couple he wrote to Hanns ‘ I have become a regular ghetto-yid ’ , going now to a stately home ‘ to ride their circumcised horses , now to a vile villa of Bellevue to hear real kosher recordings of Beethoven which none of them liked or understood , though they pretended they did , and now to a café which is inhabited solely by people who look like Schnozzle Durante . ’
10 Thanks to I have become the first DECcie to join the greatest mailing list in the world ; - ) .
11 Forced to reply the following July to acknowledge a sum of fifty francs from Theo , he said grimly that he was writing ‘ with some reluctance ’ because ‘ you have become a total stranger to me , and I have become the same to you . ’
12 Without it , she has become a virtual prisoner in her own home ; she is ruled by the clock and the hours worked by her local authority helpers .
13 College Report has recorded over the years most of Marjorie Boulton 's considerable output of writing , both in English and in Esperanto , a field in which she has become a leading international figure and through which she has enjoyed much travel and many friendships .
14 She has become a mature , sensible woman . ’
15 You 'll get much more out of the tutorial and feel you " belong " , once you 've become a regular contributing member of the learning group .
16 Have you ever thought , ruefully , that far from raising an obedient child you 've become an obedient parent ?
17 Andrew bought young horses and made them well , Nicandra showed them to their best advantage , she had become a beautiful horsewoman .
18 Chiefly she felt that , as in a sudden slip or subsidence , she had become a different person : a worse person , a desperate person , but powerful and free .
19 In a profession often noted for self-promotion and expediency she had become a trusted friend , hostess and shoulder to lean on for many .
20 I could say nothing to Lollo , she had become a silent , horrible , raw red thing .
21 As for his former wife , Aahmes , she had become a shadowy figure who sent him a letter from the Delta every new year , at the midsummer opet festival , with news of his favourite son , Heby .
22 After some time spent as a trainee , she had become an authorised dealer on the male-dominated floor of the Ring , specialising in the fast and furious world of copper futures .
23 As a result she is not allowed by her mother to supplement the family income by helping her in the fields , since to be seen doing it would mean she had become an illiterate villager again .
24 planned for three months ahead : she had become the living corporate identity of the company : her face , clothes , and style had become the visual embodiment of her business .
25 During the time that I was at MainMan , David had become more and more removed from us , but I figured that that was because he was so busy and that was the way it was when you had become a big star .
26 Forced to reply the following July to acknowledge a sum of fifty francs from Theo , he said grimly that he was writing ‘ with some reluctance ’ because ‘ you have become a total stranger to me , and I have become the same to you . ’
27 ‘ I see that you have become a valued member of Mr Sands ’ ladies ' sewing circle . ’
28 She 's become a right mumsy type , like erm
29 God 's love for and claim on man are worked out through a judgement and condemnation which disclose a profound alienation and estrangement between man and God , a contradiction in which man has attempted to break away from the tie with God , so that God 's claim on him has become a consuming fire .
30 Oxfam aid workers say they 've become the new targets in the war in Somalia .
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