Example sentences of "[pers pn] come across [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On the same holiday I came across a sandy bank in a patch of sun — except that the patch was a dazzling blue .
2 I came across a striking example of this recently in the story of John Hyde nicknamed ‘ Praying Hyde ’ , a missionary to India early in this century .
3 until I came across a small display above bottles of castor oil , laxa suppositories and a well known laxative was a sign reduced for clearance !
4 During this research I came across a startling discrepancy in various fishkeeper 's views on this species .
5 Herscovici says : ‘ At a Foundation in Madrid , I came across a fake Magritte which had been slipped into into an official exhibition so that it could be reproduced in the catalogue without my permission in order to achieve legitimacy .
6 Scouring the dealers in a still slushy Scotland , I came across a 1985 B-plate model on offer for £4995 at Alex Ritchie Motors of 43 Nithsdale Street — south of the Clyde in real Taggart country .
7 Around that time I came across a dog-eared treatise on the 1968 student uprisings , in particular the LSE sit-in .
8 Beyond yet another bridge , for Victorian ingenuity had been hard at work here , I came across a torrential waterfall labelled ‘ salmon weir , .
9 But my hunch proved right , I came across a few likely looking names and phone numbers and eventually I found a breeder in Bow , East London , who had several barn owls , all brothers and sisters , who would be the perfect training age for me .
10 ‘ WHEN clearing-up a glory hole , viz the cupboard under the stairs , I came across an anonymous parcel .
11 In a miscellaneous pile of documents , I came across the following essay .
12 I came across the following handwritten entry :
13 I came across the expected pitch ’ below the wedged boulders , which Wainwright describes as ‘ The one difficulty , above which is nothing but simple scrambling to the top . ’
14 When I come across a new metaphor , one that stretches my understanding , I feel cold .
15 At last she came across a white man , nonchalantly lighting his cigarette from a twelve-inch flame shooting out of a gas jet , who was prepared to answer her question .
16 It was only when she went to America , headlining for the first time , that she came across the curious racial classification with which music there is compartmentalised .
17 She tells us about one she came across the other day .
18 When you come across a faint track alongside a wire fence on the right follow it .
19 It 's not often you come across a good Bordeaux ! ’
20 And if you can just when you come across the odd ones that do start with K just learn those and then instead of learning about a hundred thousand or something
21 If you come across the same situation the newly created Frog Mortality Unit at the Institute of Zoology wants to know .
22 If you come across an unfamiliar word or phrase , find its source .
23 Walking along the canal bank one day we came across a wee lady siting on the banking drawing .
24 We came across a small party of people sitting innocently on a rock enjoying the sunshine .
25 On the rocky point near the settlement we came across a small flock of birds which had a very familiar look about them : they were whimbrel , that Arctic version of the curlew which breeds on most of the northern islands , including Shetland .
26 As we turned another corner we came across a few villagers handling copra .
27 C. S. Lewis offered the most daring statement in the final volume of the ‘ Narnia ’ series , The Last Battle ( 1956 ) , in which we come across a young ( dead ) virtuous pagan , Emeth , who explains that all his life he has served Tash and scorned Aslan the Lion — earlier on it has been made clear that Tash is a bloody demon , Aslan , one might as well say , the ‘ Narnian ’ Christ .
28 Everywhere in the stories that make up Joyce 's first major work , Dubliners , we come across a double reality , an invariable focus on the precise detail of place and person , class and bearing , speech and gesture .
29 Oh yes varied , and there interesting , with , with children , particularly if they erm if I 'm doing workshops er with art and writing workshops and we come across an abstract picture , the children music , and , we , as a way into their vocabulary which is n't as large as their , their writing skills , and there 'll , there 'll decipher an abstract picture , wonderful language and I like doing that you know
30 They did n't speak again until they neared the Commemorative Hall where they came across a mobile canteen manned by the Sally Ann .
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