Example sentences of "[pers pn] glanced [adv prt] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 I glanced up at the sky , ‘ It 's going to be light pretty soon . ’
2 I glanced up at the sails , down at the compass , then ahead to where the lighthouse loom arced powerfully through the night .
3 As I eased down I glanced over at the clock ; it read 10.01 .
4 I glanced down at the limb I was illustratively wiggling , only to find an involuntary erection making my trousers stick out like an accusing finger .
5 I glanced down at the kitchen .
6 I glanced down at the lissom length of her spine .
7 She glanced round at the cats to see how much food would be needed .
8 I was dubious at first because since her illness Jennifer has become a very private person and I do n't think she would have liked all the hubbub over in the other section ; but here — ’ she glanced round at the softly decorated walls , the strategically placed water-colours and the subdued lighting ‘ — here , I think , could well be the answer . ’
9 She glanced around at the audience who were appearing in twos and threes .
10 She glanced around at the house , she would lose her home ; entailed as it was it would pass to the next male heir of the family .
11 Outside again she glanced up at the sky which was a pale shade of blue .
12 Then turning her head , she glanced up at the sergeant , and with definite bitterness in her voice , said , ‘ I 'll never do that again .
13 She glanced up at the girl standing before her and shook her head .
14 The muffled jangle of the bell disturbed her reverie , and she glanced up at the clock — it lacked a few minutes to three — her visitor was punctual as usual .
15 She glanced up at the clock on the wall opposite .
16 She glanced up at the clock .
17 She glanced up at the ceiling once , as if in appreciation of the solution to a tough puzzle that she 'd been unable to crack without help ; the tile was still stuck in the open position , and Charlie was in no state to clamber up there and fix it .
18 She glanced up at the house .
19 She glanced up at the stars to avoid looking at his face .
20 She glanced up at the blackened night sky , pin-pointed with stars so wondrous that it made her feel like crying , and wished she were home , warm and safe in bed .
21 She glanced down at the linoleum in despair .
22 As they reached the door she glanced down at the small flower bed which gardeners in the congregation were trying to cultivate with more optimism than success in the unrewarding soil at the side of the path .
23 She glanced down at the landing and the dizziness swept up to meet her .
24 She glanced down at the empty hearth , where the crumpled page had fallen and partly unfurled .
25 Her mind still racing , she glanced down at the map on the passenger seat and then headed towards the road that would take her to Mountpelier Lodge .
26 She glanced down at the ring now , and found herself wondering , as she did occasionally , if it really was necessary for her to go on wearing it .
27 She glanced back at the discod .
28 As she reached them she glanced back at the hire car , knowing that she could n't leave it there for long .
29 Ensconced in his car a moment later — and goodness , it felt luxurious ! — she glanced back at the foyer and saw that the other girl stood there staring with narrowed , suspicious eyes .
30 She glanced back at the marquees , but there was no sign of Richard .
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