Example sentences of "[pers pn] felt at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It had come out and I 'd said it 's what I felt at the minute .
2 In an effort to combat the isolation and fear I felt at the time , I sought out a number of parents in similar situations to my own ; we had to create our own support systems .
3 I honestly ca n't remember how I felt at the time — I think I was just shocked .
4 I felt at the time , that if such a Call sere presented I should have great difficulty , indeed , in declining it , even in the face of much inconvenience and pecuniary sacrifice .
5 If the Thamesdown one did n't , er , the officers for their own reasons have separated out this particular er , activity , erm , and I felt at the time that it was unreasonable to give a hundred percent funding to er , most C A B's but not to one .
6 One more guilty secret that Maggie felt obliged to keep from everyone was the deep fear and disgust that she felt at the thought of sexuality .
7 ‘ No , you may not say so ! ’ she exclaimed , yet was quite unable to hide the breathless excitement she felt at the sight at him .
8 And when Dr Neil commanded her to give Effie chloroform again while he finally manoeuvred the little body out the relief she felt was almost overwhelming , enhanced by the sudden strange joy she felt at the sight of the tiny purple baby boy .
9 Her head ached : she could encompass no more , She felt as she felt at the end of some long and erudite lecture in a foreign tongue ; her mind would no longer pay attention .
10 Physically she had to admit he still turned her on and probably always would , but , having found out just how irritating he could be to live with she was furious to discover that his sex appeal was far too potent a force for her feelings to be seriously affected , no matter how cross with him she felt at the moment .
11 In fact , she did n't just feel like groaning — the frustration and worry she felt at the moment were enough to make her want to scream blue murder !
12 Robyn swallowed and struggled to keep the anger she felt at the forefront of her mind .
13 Well quite a lot , we we went out with them for a meal last night erm we had an interpreter who who was the only one that could speak English but it was it was well worth the evening , it did a lot for relationships and I think that there should be more of this in football , that off the field people should get to know each other a lot better and we felt at the end of the evening that it had been well worthwhile .
14 We , we felt at the end of the seventies that there was no question that the eighties was going to be a decade of increasing food shortages , and widespread famine , that is , people literally dying for want of food .
15 Er and it was much easier to be living on the premises , that 's what we felt at the time .
16 And that was how her love for him felt at the moment — as cheap and useless as a dollar .
17 Nearly three years after the murder , Mr and Mrs Macaulay still share the same sense of outrage and defiance against the IRA which they felt at the time of the killings .
18 If Britain could be described in any useful way as a society at ease with itself twenty years ago , then that was certainly not how it felt at the time .
19 His armour of cynicism was shown up as useless ; all he could feel was how desperately he had wanted the job and how bitter he felt at the injustice that had taken it away from him .
20 Then he started to cough , forced himself to control the tickle he felt at the back of his throat .
21 MacArthur did not regard him as particularly able and remarked on the disappointment he felt at the failure of Japanese politics to produce outstanding personalities .
22 In his autobiography , ‘ Inward Hunger ’ , ( 1969 ) Williams gives us an insight to how he felt at the end of this speech , ‘ the audience had listened with rapt attention ’ … then …
23 Mortimer reholstered his gun , satisfied at a job well done , and striving to contain the excitement he felt at the combat .
24 I LIKED Kevin and I know how he felt at the start of the film .
25 He begins with the mind as ‘ white paper ’ ( following Locke ) , describes ‘ external sensible objects ’ , then records — as , for example , in the ‘ sense of unknown modes of being ’ after the boat-stealing incident — what he felt at the time , and then adds a later ‘ reflection ’ or meditation upon the event from the point of view of the author writing in 1798–1805 .
26 Cowdrey recalled how he felt at the time .
27 But skipper Dave Watson revealed : ‘ Tony was disappointed at being dropped and he said what he felt at the time .
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