Example sentences of "[pers pn] found out that [art] " in BNC.

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1 Later I found out that a standby wife had got halfway down the aisle before turning back , remorseful at abandoning her husband , leaving one empty seat — my seat , I brooded , as I waited for the next flight . )
2 ‘ And by the way , ’ said Elinor as she handed round tea and biscuits , ‘ I found out that the Chatwin kid was traced to a gypsy camp at the Appleby Horse Fair but before the police could pick him up he 'd disappeared again . ’
3 Imagine my horror when I found out that the fire had now spread to this building , where my father worked .
4 It certainly seemed that a chapter of my life was closing , and I felt even more disgruntled when I found out that the other girls had all managed to get postings near their homes for their final few months in the Service .
5 And time went by , and suddenly I found out that the man I suspected ( who was married to an Englishwoman ) was planning to leave for England .
6 I found out that the captain and two of his men , all Americans , were n't on the ship last night , so I 'm sure they killed poor John Openshaw .
7 As I say it 's one of these er competitive market things , but if you go into an electrical shop and you buy a piece of electrical equipment , or if you want er a plug for it , a piece of electrical equipment because you found out that the plug on the electrical equipment at home is defective , it 's got cracked porcelain or something like , then please have a word with the person who is selling you the plug and say look , this plug is gon na be fitted on X appliance .
8 We were very upset when we found out that a dual carriageway might be built in the fields past the wild duck pond behind our home .
9 So we thought , ‘ We 'll get the National Trust to take it , ’ and we were flabbergasted when we found out that the Trust could n't afford to take it without an endowment .
10 ‘ But luckily , we found out that the council were giving grants for home improvements to old properties . ’
11 We found out that the sitting room had a timber panelled ceiling which had been papered over and given lots of coats of whitewash .
12 We found out that the neighbours on the left hand side , who were in fact an elderly couple , and his son was working erm , and he had his own business working at home .
13 And suppose they found out that a man had slipped through their fingers ?
14 Er what made me smile when they found out that the salt were going through these er motorway bridges and attacking the steel work in the concrete with all sort of powers that they would of known that would n't ya ?
15 Imagine if he found out that the frock I claimed I 'd bought two years ago in a closing-down sale had , in fact , arrived in my wardrobe a little over two weeks ago , having been purchased from a smart department store ?
16 He ended up staying two years , partly because he found out that the sinecure in Stirling had , to use an aikido expression , dissipated .
17 Young Victor , a Romantic from birth , was excited when the family was given free seats for the theatre for every night of its stay , less excited when he found out that the programme never changed , so that it meant sitting through the same melodrama every night for a month .
18 The Beagle was on the point of leaving when he found out that the natives could tell which island a tortoise came from merely by looking at the shape of its shell .
19 But now things were bound to change , once he found out that the Englishman had n't been broken .
20 The $24,000,000 production was to be an unmitigated disaster and was to bring Twentieth Century-Fox close to bankruptcy when it found out that the heyday of the film musical was past .
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