Example sentences of "[pers pn] go [adv prt] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 While I go up for a bath you can take stock of the supplies I brought . ’
2 ‘ We 're going to take him to Italy when I go over for the collections .
3 Once a month I go out for a serious session — the last of which was a hard circuit of Radnor Forest , but I enjoyed it tremendously . ’
4 First time I go out for a week and I 'm on tablets !
5 you have a sweet and all that sort of thing , I mean you ca n't I ca n't resist them if I go out for a meal , I 've got to have the sweet , I 'd rather have the sweet
6 For all this however , he has an iron nerve and told me , ‘ I have never been scared but when I go out for the National I get a tingling sensation .
7 Yeah if they if their churning out the stock that tu tend to churn out , I mean I go along for an enquiry for a few and find they 've got thousands in stock .
8 I go in for a certain amount of golf , you know .
9 Depends on time you go out for a time
10 the two of them , you go out for a
11 If you if you go out for the kitchen you know or whatever it is
12 One of the things that I used to do was train and I know the feeling , I know the excitement , I know the adrenalin that pumps round the body , when you go in for the kill .
13 Okay has anybody else got anything more on that on that subject ? if we go back for a bit and just go back to the
14 This is the moment when we decide whether we go in for a federal Europe or whether we go in for a Europe of member states trading together , competing together , co-operating together .
15 This is the moment when we decide whether we go in for a federal Europe or whether we go in for a Europe of member states trading together , competing together , co-operating together .
16 Drink 's never been either here or there for me , bar a wee Baileys with my coffee if we go out for a meal and I always buy it in at Christmas , because most women like it .
17 When they reached the stairs , his voice determinedly reasonable , he asked , ‘ Do you want to return to Ca ’ del Leone to shower and change before we go out for a meal ? ’
18 Hurry up and then we go out for a walk .
19 hi er he 's got to go , he 's got his annual medical , it 's a very high-powered erm thing in Dundee on Tuesday , so Anne said that she would like to come up with him , potter about Dundee while he 's having his medical then they will come here on Tuesday evening , or late Tuesday afternoon , and we go out for a meal , and then of course , she 'll be with me all day on Thursday because he goes back up to Dundee to his managers ' meeting , you see .
20 Of course not , they 've been elected for a period , they serve to the end of that period , whether they 're made redundant or not , so they go on for the four year term .
21 They go in for the emotional point of view , and I thought it would help them see me in a fatherly light , giving him my own name .
22 They cut off their hands so that they go about for the rest of their lives with bleeding stumps . ’
23 They go out for a meal .
24 ‘ Curry seems to be the first choice for many MPs when they go out for a meal , ’ says Peter Grove , publisher of Patak 's Real Curry Restaurant Guide .
25 If the child says , ‘ I dislike Auntie Kate ’ but seeks her company , holds her by the hand when they go out for a walk , and so on , we would conclude that he has not understood the word dislike .
26 Apart from saying he had given up singing and trumpet-playing , he invented things , such as that his school had suggested he go in for the Young Musician of the Year contest .
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