Example sentences of "[pers pn] ran down the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If anything the sound seemed to become louder as I ran down the deck .
2 I ran down the pavement to get as far away from the hotel as I could , then I sat down in a doorway and continued crying .
3 As she ran down the driveway of the semi-detached house , a shot was fired from an upstairs front bedroom and she fell to the ground .
4 Leaving this area of the house behind her , she ran down the passage as far as the open pantry door .
5 The swallows flitted round Marie as she ran down the bank .
6 For just a few seconds she stood petrified ; then , taking a deep , shuddering breath , she ran down the entry and into Lyra Street .
7 She ran down the garden and out on to the tow-path .
8 She ran down the gangplank and watched as the dog heaved himself up the bank , dragging his burden .
9 Then she ran down the post to the ground below .
10 She ran down the dune , calling , ‘ Okay , I 'm coming . ’
11 When she come round the middle girl she brought a friend with her and Ashley was with us so we ran down the dyke
12 More effective was the rush by two of the protection squad firing their tommies as they ran down the ship 's steep gangplank .
13 He ran down the field and over the brook to the cattle-wade .
14 He ran down the bank , Lee following him .
15 ‘ Silly cow , ’ he breathed , as he ran down the bank into the yard , ‘ she 'll probably go cold on me while I 'm buggering about over here . ’
16 He ran down the slope and over the brook .
17 He ran down the room , jinking around the desks .
18 Then , remembering it was five minutes past tot time , he ran down the ladder to the well deck , and away to the spare-crew mess .
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