Example sentences of "[pers pn] wrote [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When I wrote earlier of the broad structure of ‘ The Way West ’ exercise being ‘ slack ’ , I am really projecting a quality suggesting lack of tension onto the structure .
2 was my essay , I wrote in to the education was that , the top and bottom of personal discipline
3 Which I wrote down on the diary records side .
4 I wrote down in the book , some of the places .
5 I hunted high and low for reference material about machine knitting ; I wrote back to the States for help .
6 She knew that the one thing that her mother would never provide money for was a training in medicine , so she wrote eventually to the Boys ' Own Paper to ask them how to go about it , inventing a letter that was supposed to come from a badly-off boy whom she thought would enlist their sympathy .
7 This time she wrote directly to the Queen who raised no objections to the request .
8 This was what they told one another , and what they wrote down in The Book of Nome .
9 I think just the fact that my wife knew what was going on , and knew the problems exactly you know , they had their own meetings and the food parcels that they could organize , you know I would n't have a clue how to go about it , the fact that various shops refused to have collection points inside , and they wrote off to the management of these shops and got that changed .
10 He wrote also on the theoretical bases of the sciences of motion ( De Motu , 1721 ) and mathematics ( The Analyst , 1735 ) .
11 He wrote just at the time when English was becoming an established literary language and with a felicity which later caused most of his translation — perhaps 75 per cent — to be retained in the King James Bible , the authorised version for 300 years .
12 The Leader of the Opposition simply pointed out in an article that he wrote just before the party conference that the proportion of gross domestic product — national income — devoted to education since 1979 had dropped , and that if it had remained the same , the difference would be the figure to which the hon. Gentleman has referred .
13 Although he wrote just after the Great Depression of the nineteen-thirties , he rejected the idea that capitalism would break down because of a lack of investment opportunities and a reduction in the real rate of profit .
14 From 1940 to 1954 he wrote regularly for the New York Herald Tribune and four volumes of his notices have appeared in book form .
15 He wrote enthusiastically about the later work of Arshile Gorky : ‘ Gorky 's atmosphere , veiling the hard opaque wall of the canvas , evokes a nocturnal void or the vague , unstable image-space of the day-dreaming mind . ’
16 He wrote immediately to the SMG , cutting off all contact : ‘ I am not interested in agencies who politic and posture for no other reason than to promote themselves … secondly , as I am not presently able to place any trust in you , I must insist that any further matters you wish to raise are channelled through to a suitable agency , viz the local council or HCRC . ’
17 Apparently never close to the Chinese ( he never learned the language and travelled with a large retinue of porters in some style ) , he wrote little about the people and rather drily on the landscape and plants .
18 Except in a reference to the composition of Sweeney Agonistes , he wrote little about the place of alcohol , or any other narcotic , in literary creation .
19 quite what he wrote down at the end
20 When payment for games totalling more than £7,000 was not received he wrote back to the bank and received two additional references on December 18 , 1990 and January 15 , 1991 confirming that the company was good for up to £10,000 .
21 He wrote back to the children with his recipe , saying it was a big favourite with his family .
22 He wrote what must have been the one of the shortest letters of all time , and he wrote back to the editor of The Times and he said , dear sir , in answer to your question what is wrong with the world
23 As for the bear-rug , he was always concerned about it : he wrote twice from the East ( Constantinople , April 1850 ; Benisouëf , June 1850 ) , asking his mother to take care of it .
24 He wrote recently in the GEC Journal of Science and Technology : ‘ It can be demonstrated that it is significantly cheaper to store fuel for medium to long periods and then to commit it directly to a geological repository , rather than to commit fuel to the reprocessing cycle . ’
25 Henry Porter doubtless spoke for many when he wrote recently in the Guardian : ‘ Little in the post-war years of decline in Britain has prepared us for the deep sense of unease now being experienced by its people .
26 Archbishop Hincmar of Rheims endorsed the Christian monarchy whose laws promised both security for ecclesiastical wealth and firm support for the church as an institution with its own hierarchical structure , as well as investing Charles 's kingship with new forms of legitimacy , Hincmar , as he wrote proudly to the pope , regularly supplied the military aid he owed to the king .
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