Example sentences of "[pers pn] tried [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A rock jutted out which others had grabbed as they swung down , but as I tried to do the same there was no edge below for my feet and I whimpered pathetically dangling on the end of the rope .
2 I tried to do the same , and in between sailing my own boat and the occasional cutter duty managed to concentrate enough on my proper job to pass a promotion examination in 1956 .
3 Having succeeded in making your formulae work for Lotus 1-2-3 and for As-Easy-As I tried to do the same in Excel .
4 I tried to ask the Prime Minister , in a parliamentary question , to give details of the additional charters in the various service areas which arise directly from his own citizens charter and to say when each of the new charters would be published .
5 I tried to put the same sentiment into that landscape as I put into the figure : the convulsive , passionate clinging to the earth , and yet being half torn up by the storm . ’
6 It was perhaps because of this , and because I tried to foster the whole idea of positive thinking , that I began to concentrate more and more on visualization .
7 I tried to pull the other dog 's jaws back .
8 Erm , because I was rather sad , I I tried to instore the Rotary Club in the district in taking part , or or encouraging their
9 Alone on a holiday and trying to come to terms with his grief , he reflects that ‘ the most cruel pain of all occurred at such moments , when I tried to face the still unacceptable fact that I could never tell her anything again .
10 She brained me when I tried to reboot the neural net . ’
11 She brained me when I tried to reboot the neural net ! ’
12 Hardly aware of what she was doing , she tried to do the same , thankful that her shoes had soft soles .
13 What she needed was to sleep , and she tried to suppress the great mountain of self-pity that threatened to swamp her .
14 Flinging over in bed for the hundredth time , she tried to ignore the subtle , spreading ache in her stomach whenever she thought about Roman 's last hungrily demanding kiss …
15 She tried to stifle the insidious army of questions tentatively beginning to attack her .
16 She tried to dismiss the odd feeling of anticlimax she was experiencing .
17 Staring blankly at the rubble , all that remained of the cottage , she tried to remember the exact words Leo had used when he 'd given her the cheque .
18 She tried to remember the little he had said about Suvarov , but all she could think of was that without him neither she nor Anthony would have met David .
19 Topaz stamped her foot , beside herself with fury as she tried to defend the dead woman whose legacy she had to bear .
20 She tried to push the painful memories of her young companions ’ deaths to the back of her mind .
21 Intent on trying not to forget what had brought her marching into his room , she tried to stoke the fading embers of her rage .
22 She tried to say the accustomed words
23 She tried to visualise the silhouetted figures on Harriet 's blind .
24 Gritting her teeth , she tried to examine the hurt , but Benedict was before her , throwing away the stick and gently taking the dog 's paw in his hands .
25 No matter how hard she tried to make the most of herself Sally had always been aware that she could not hope to rival Paula and the knowledge had damaged her self-confidence so that she always lived with the feeling that people on meeting her for the first time would exclaim behind after back : ‘ Paula 's sister ?
26 She tried to reconstruct the physical Peter Datchett : tall , thin , black hair that tended to flop forwards , a mole on one cheek .
27 She held the envelope to the light , squinting at it with one eye while she tried to read the first paragraph .
28 Grimma 's forehead wrinkled as she tried to read the smaller words on the back .
29 She tried to find the right words to explain but discovered only a great disconnection between her brain and her voice , which ensured her silence .
30 Even though she tried to pack the single word with a wealth of bored indifference , Rory could n't help but be curious .
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