Example sentences of "[pers pn] sat [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 When I arrived at the Demob Centre , I sat around in a bare hall for what seemed like a couple of hours , with two or three hundred other Waafs , and we stared at each other without interest .
2 I ran down the pavement to get as far away from the hotel as I could , then I sat down in a doorway and continued crying .
3 After a while I sat down in a secret place by the Cherwell and fell to musing about how I had once myself aspired to Oxford , how one of my lecturers at Edinburgh had urged me to go on to read for a B.Litt. there , but of course the war had put an end to any such ambitions .
4 I sat down in a very deep sofa .
5 With a second cup in my hand , I sat down in an upright chair opposite my hostess .
6 Thanking him for giving me a lift , I sat down in the passenger seat and waited for Chapman to get moving .
7 A few times I sat down in the kitchen and almost told mum but changed my mind .
8 So I sat down in the warm , and ate the man 's breakfast .
9 I sat down in the long grass , puzzled to understand my weakness .
10 I sat down in the seat right by the door and , in between Seaforth and Litherland and Bootle New Strand , the doors suddenly opened and then closed while the train was moving .
11 I sat back in the sand and looked quickly round the area .
12 She sat up in a kind of horror , her feelings filling her up with shame .
13 She sat up in the bed and pulled the covers up to her armpits in an attempt to recoup a little of her dignity .
14 She sat up in the bed , dumbstruck , her face aglow as if lit from the inside .
15 After a moment , she sat up in the cluttered bed and regarded him in mock annoyance .
16 Also urgent , as he served her tea and she sat up in the bed , exposing her small breasts without a thought .
17 There was no arguing with him , and it was very pleasant to have someone caring , so she sat back in the seat without further protest .
18 She sat back in the sun and closed her eyes .
19 ‘ You promise ? ’ mother said , a slight stitching of her brows as she sat back in the ladder-backed seat the only indication that she might not entirely believe me .
20 She sat back in the white plastic chair , fanning herself with her napkin .
21 Her pulse rate had slowed to somewhere near normal ; she sat back in the creaking wooden chair in a deliberate effort to appear relaxed , and returned his smile .
22 She sat back in the driving seat , a neat , competent figure in a deep green spring suit as modest and suave as her own creamy countenance .
23 She sat back in the large , embracing armchair and took another mouthful of the splendid Spanish omelette .
24 She sat back in the seat as she racked her brain before coming to just one conclusion : Harry Martin .
25 She sat down in a chair , exhausted .
26 She sat down in a chair by the hearth .
27 She sat down in a chair by a table and as she had done once in Michael Swinton 's kitchen , put her head down on her folded arms and burst into tears of passionate gratitude .
28 She sat down in an armchair , but Robert remained standing .
29 She sat down in the chair at the head of the cot and very carefully slid her forefinger into the baby 's hand .
30 She sat down in the one comfortable chair ; it had come from their housekeeper 's room , and had found its way to Billy 's kitchen , like the strip of Turkey carpet with the hole in the middle .
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