Example sentences of "[pers pn] look [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 By now some may well be asking ‘ Where can I look for a spiritual director ?
2 Did I look like a rag-and-bone man ?
3 ‘ Come on , Wyatt Earp ’ she said , ‘ do I look like a hog-tied sheep to you ? ’
4 " Well , why the bloody Hell did n't you say so out there when we was with them instead of making me look like a bloody fool ? "
5 God that makes me look like a good player that , does n't it ?
6 Tommaso made me look like a mature man , an important man .
7 It 's seeing me look like an old hag first thing in the morning and not minding !
8 Did she look like a criminal or something ?
9 I see you 've talked to Pickerage , ’ said Mr Crumwallis , his long , bony body now fully inside and draped up against the doorpost , his head poked forward , the whole effect being to make him look like a bereaved ostrich .
10 For all his long hair , bandeau and earrings which made him look like a weedy Viking , Terry Gill was a very ordinary young man , and pathetic ; pathetic because he so obviously wanted to amount to something and had no idea what .
11 His big , red face was turned towards her , attentive in the cigarette 's glow ; his moustache , like two orange tusks , made him look like a gentle walrus .
12 It makes him look like a racist prat .
13 Time magazine still regarded him as a bit of an upstart , stating that his attempts at humour made him look like a third Smothers Brothers , and his laconic manner appeared to be a handy substitute for acting .
14 Marjorie helps him on with his camelhair overcoat , a garment she persuaded him to buy against his better judgement , for it hangs well below his knees and , he thinks , accentuates his short stature , as well as making him look like a prosperous bookie .
15 In the centre of the road was a six-foot colour portrait of President Assad , an artist 's impression of the Syrian leader in air force uniform that made him look like an elderly Battle of Britain pilot , eyes narrowed against the sun , gaze fixed on the heavens .
16 There was no call to make him look like an Anglo-Saxon writing in schoolboy French by altering it to sauce de moutarde .
17 Tom , meanwhile , has binned the thigh-slapping choreography that made him look like an excited primate and opted instead for more engaging shapes akin to those thrown by a boxing kangaroo .
18 Besides Maxham was n't dressed with a salesman 's mass-produced smartness : he was a wiry little man whose rumpled suit and gold-rimmed glasses made him look like an old-fashioned country doctor .
19 And why do they look for an ALTERNATIVE interpretation
20 Her orange-red hair was worn bouffant , and her orange lipstick made her look like a small circus clown .
21 She barely has time to recover before Nina Myskow breezes in with a smile that makes her look like a 10-year-old ( a ten-year-old Stilton , that is ) , hurls her customary , ‘ Hello , you old bag , ’ and her reflection kisses the air beside my cheek .
22 I 'm making her look like a bad mother .
23 Catch that , ’ Elinor called as she ran after a greasy , paper napkin , her gold satin pleats swirling around making her look like a giant sunflower .
24 Her loose yellow hair and the white hospital nightgown made her look like a sick child .
25 Beneath her mink she wore a blue dress which made her look like an overgrown Girl Guide .
26 She did n't want false teeth ; they would make her look like an old maid .
27 The caterpillar of a Costa Rican moth , in one of the most extraordinary of all mimicries , has a pattern at its rear end that makes it look like a tiny viper .
28 It had since been rebuilt ; its arched windows and roofs made it look like a Russian provincial home .
29 The bottle had been used to make it look like a sexual attack .
30 On the northern coalfield the rejection of badly filled corves on the grounds that they had been deliberately underfilled — " they will sometimes be so roguish as to set these big coals hollow at the Corfe bottom , and cover them with some small coals at the top of the Corves , and make it look like a full Corfe " — was a long-running grievance which led to a strike at one mine in 1751 .
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