Example sentences of "[pers pn] is necessary [verb] such " in BNC.

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1 In order to establish how police work is accomplished , therefore , it is necessary to examine such things as the common-sense notions ordinary policemen and women have about their role , what they consider to be the essence of police work , what typifications and categorizations infuse the practical reasoning they employ to accomplish policing tasks , and what ‘ recipes ’ or guide-lines they adopt in undertaking the various aspects of their job .
2 That does not mean , he wrote , that if the body does not protest the project necessarily has any value , though for reasons I have gone into already it is necessary to put such thoughts out of mind , they can not help , they can only hinder , they can not water , they can only blight .
3 Hence , whatever necessity there may be to explain the position to him , the reasons why it is necessary to give such an explanation can not be the same as those which arise under section 8(2) .
4 I appreciate that the number of cases in which the taker and driver away is not the driver who goes on to cause personal injury or damage will be comparatively few , but I ask my right hon. Friend whether it is necessary to make such a draconian change in the traditional principles of British law , or to do it by reversing the normal burden of proof .
5 One may wonder why it is necessary to fit such a ‘ bluff ’ unit when a proper working alarm could be constructed for little extra outlay .
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