Example sentences of "[pers pn] was send to the " in BNC.

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1 An hour later I was being monitored at the Birmingham Maternity Hospital — weak contractions confirmed in labour , I was sent to the ward in a wheelchair .
2 I was sent to The Children 's Service , usually held at St. Mary Magdalene 's Church in Gigant Street at 9.30 am .
3 As a Navy wife , I was sent to the home of Admiral Shelley , ‘ The Pickeridge ’ nearby .
4 Perhaps I was sent to the chippie , or café up the street to fetch cigarettes , or lemonade , or to go at full haste and deliver a note to one of his girl-friends ; or maybe he simply wanted to chastise me for something I had done , as for instance when I inadvertently got him into hot water by mentioning to Mum that I had seen him with a girl ( an infamous young woman ) after he had faithfully promised not to see her again , ever .
5 ‘ It seemed quite pointless to hope once I was sent to the farm .
6 I was sent to the new office in India to take charge , while Herbert came back to England to marry his Clara .
7 Yes , when I got home at night I I was er I had to I was sent to the hospital I was bleeding .
8 When we first came to St , Albans , I was sent to the High School for Girls , which despite its name took boys up to the age of ten .
9 Well I was sent to the erm United , well it was n't a United Reform Church then but it was called the Chapel and I was sent to there , to Sunday School there , mornings and afternoon and we went two by two across to the Chapel , you see , so while my father , we used to walk down the street together .
10 But as a small child she was so inspired by anything to do with the theatre that at six she was sent to the Barbara Speake stage school in Acton , west London .
11 For her part in the daring escapade , Flora Macdonald was taken prisoner and , for a year , lay incarcerated on a troopship in Leith Roads in the Firth of Forth , before being taken to London , where she was sent to the Tower .
12 The daughter of a sailor who was lost at sea , she was sent to the Dean Orphanage where she received a solid education and showed promise .
13 As early as 1551 she was sent to the Princess Elizabeth ‘ to drawe owt her picture ’ .
14 In 1971 I was in command of Venturous when she was sent to the North West Coast of Scotland , a winter patrol specifically designed to keep a check on the foreign fishing fleets engaged in " Klondyking " .
15 After 8 April the aluminium returned to tapwater when a mains burst : sludge was found at the bottom of a glass of water but when it was sent to the authority for analysis it was discarded as ‘ too sludgy ’ .
16 The brass work was cast in the brass foundry , and from there it was sent to the brass finishing shop for machining and cleaning up , afterwards traversing the plating department where it received either venetian bronze , oxidised silver or plain brass lacquer finish , next passing to position No 3 for fixing in the carriage .
17 They have n't received your invoice or statement because it was n't sent or it was sent to the wrong address .
18 It was sent to the press , at least to one paper , the Paternoster Review .
19 That was a bit of an exception , as it was sent to the first Independents Exhibition in New York and , as is the case with all the Independents exhibitions , there was no hanging committee .
20 But it was sent to the National Security Council and in the meantime Secretary of Defense Johnson , according to the internal ‘ History of the Indo-China Incident ’ prepared for and by the Joint Chiefs of Staff , had called upon the NSC to determine exactly how US security was threatened by the current situation in the Far East and to formulate tentative courses of action which were to be co-ordinated for the whole region and were to outline specific objectives to be attained .
21 The Hudson Report , a very thorough and painstaking piece of work , was a long time in gestation ; it was sent to the Minister towards the end of 1973 and was eventually published in July 1974 .
22 It was sent to the lost-luggage office to wait for its owner .
23 He was sent to the remote town of Weewak — scene of one of the Japanese forces ' final stands in World War II — where a new European Hospital was being built to help the impoverished natives .
24 At the age of 8 he was sent to the private school for the deaf at Rugby run by Mr. Bingham , formerly headmaster of the West of England Institution at Exeter .
25 At the age of 9 , he was sent to the London Institution where he excelled himself so much that when the school 's Margate branch was opened in 1875 , the headmaster , Dr. Elliott , appointed him one of the first pupil-teachers , promoting him three years later to a junior teachership .
26 The PC stole it when he was sent to the man 's home after he collapsed and died , Sheffield Crown Court heard yesterday .
27 He also fell so ill that he was sent to the family 's country house to convalesce .
28 John 's formal education began at the age of six , when he was sent to the school of a Mr Worsley in Hertford .
29 When he reappeared apologetically in London to plead for clemency he was sent to the Tower , while in the north itself the Earls of Northumberland and Westmorland blundered into ill-planned revolt .
30 In March 1916 he was sent to the front line in France .
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