Example sentences of "[pers pn] had [vb pp] so far " in BNC.

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1 When , and if , I got to the 2ème Régiment Étranger des Parachutistes I hoped that my efforts during basic training would pay off , and that I could get involved , if not in a war , then in something physically and militarily more adventurous than anything I had done so far .
2 I had gone so far that to blow it at that point would have been a big disappointment for me , ’ he said .
3 But of all I had read so far , nothing troubled me more than two notes I encountered towards the end of the seventh chapter .
4 Dana could be right — she did find it difficult to get friendly with any of the men she had met so far , but that did n't mean she never would .
5 Not a single fact she had heard so far was relevant to the case .
6 As she lost the thread entirely , all thought of telling him the work she had done so far went out of her head .
7 It was past midnight , so this was the start of Sunday , and Sundays in Taiwan were not going to bear much resemblance to Sundays in the countries she had known so far .
8 She had coped so far .
9 And it struck her that he was indeed a son of this wild island , which she had glimpsed so far only briefly , yet which had struck her so vividly .
10 This bird is distinctly different in character from those we had seen so far .
11 But it was the enemy 's country , an enemy whom we had fought so far as one might fight an armed man in a dark room .
12 The harbour was crammed with the great prahus which we had come so far for , but our attempts to communicate with the captains and crewmen were discouraging .
13 We had come so far to find this .
14 The building site manager at the time told the Daily Mirror : ‘ I had a meeting with Mellor 's wife over cups of coffee at the start of each week to discuss any problems and let her know how much we had spent so far .
15 Indeed they had gone so far as to bring one Nicoleyva , from the Soviet Union to plead with British men and women to do just this , and open a second front in Europe .
16 Following a low fat diet in the long term would certainly ensure that they did not regain all they had lost so far .
17 It was not like some of the valleys they had seen so far , sparsely vegetated and arid .
18 They were tired but unwilling to abandon themselves to sleep , so much had happened , they had come so far , left so much , found so little , were so far from what they had been .
19 Because of the Swamp they had come so far south that they must now be at least on a level with the path where they had fought with the sturdy beggars although the northern ride must lie between them and it .
20 If it were possible to unfold the entire long history of the world 's religions in such a manner that it could be scrutinised , assimilated and judged in a single all-embracing operation , the verdict would be that it had strayed so far from the basic human need , and so far from the intentions of those good and sincere people who have throughout that history struggled to maintain its integrity , that it might well be condemned outright as a story of failure unmatched by anything else that has ever happened on earth .
21 It was the biggest house he had seen so far in the village .
22 He quickened his flight as he saw ahead in the far distance , perhaps twenty miles on , the blue rising of real hills — ground higher than any he had seen so far .
23 Much of what he had seen so far confirmed the assessment of the Imperial survey — that the stage of development Tarvaras had reached was equivalent to that which was thought to have existed during the Terran medieval period .
24 A year earlier , when the discovery dispute was at its height , he had been asked to comment on the documents he had seen so far .
25 North once told Secord that he had gone so far as to mention to the President that the Ayatollah was helping the contras .
26 That afternoon he saw the King , who tried to dissuade him , but , as lying George V recorded it : ‘ He assured me that it was absolutely necessary for him to appeal to the Country as he had gone so far that it was not possible for him to change his mind . ’ ’
27 He stopped all experimentation at this stage to examine the information he had gathered so far .
28 It was probably the truest thing he had said so far that morning .
29 Hunt meant that no matter how well he now did , Niki had to do considerably less well than he had done so far if he , James , was going to have any chance to catch him .
30 It seemed to him that he had come so far in discovering so much about his problem but was unable to bring about any substantial change .
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