Example sentences of "and obtained a " in BNC.

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1 My predecessor had read law and obtained a first , but I chose to read social anthropology simply because of a pleasure in the subject .
2 There they managed to capture two Germans who had stopped their lorry for a rest , and obtained a jerrycan full of water .
3 Fleming succeeded in isolating a streptococcus from the cerebrospinal fluid of the patient , showed that it was sensitive to penicillin , and obtained a supply from Florey , because he himself had none of adequate potency .
4 His written work is average , he entered for 0-level English this year and obtained a C grade .
5 We discussed cytological and serological studies and obtained a grant from the Great Britain-China Centre for a Chinese geneticist to visit Edinburgh .
6 But Mother did the best she could and made rabbit pies , apple pies , and obtained a very good recipe from Mrs Fawcett for a tattie cake , which was a bit like a Cornish pasty , without the meat , and a whole lot bigger .
7 By a single vote , the Commons withheld confidence from the government , Lord Melbourne sought and obtained a dissolution of Parliament , and the necessity for a Cabinet to secure the confidence and support of Parliament and thus be responsible to it was established .
8 I wrote to Blackwood , the publisher , and obtained a copy at the original price of five shillings .
9 She had lived in Durban since February and obtained a residents ' permit two months ago .
10 The change involved no religious problems because the larger colony had been launched for much the same reasons : a number of Puritans , of whom the largest single group came from East Anglia , had formed the Massachusetts Bay Company and obtained a charter to settle there in a firm determination to cut themselves off from England and the elements of Roman Catholicism they detected in the Church of England .
11 I later phoned the course and obtained a thorough briefing — or what I thought was a thorough briefing — on the available runway .
12 Unlike his older brothers he went to a Franco — Annamite school and obtained a certificate in 1907 .
13 Then he came ashore in London and obtained a position as a cook in the Carlton Hotel .
14 The defendant agreed to this and obtained a licence but later refused to pay the charge .
15 When the company 's overdraft exceeded £154,000 the bank sought to enforce the mortgage and obtained a registrar 's order for possession .
16 In August 1989 the plaintiff began proceedings in the county court without the defendant 's knowledge and obtained a possession order to take effect on 28 November 1989 .
17 However , Harriman and Buxton ( 1979 ) presented semantically anomalous sentences spoken either in a monotone or with appropriate intonation , and obtained a REA only in the latter condition .
18 Keller and Bever ( 1980 ) asked right handed subjects to categorise musical intervals presented monaurally and obtained a significant REA in non-musicians for this task and a non-significant left ear advantage among musicians .
19 Her father 's death caused her to take a governess post in 1893 , but she studied part-time and obtained a London BA in 1897 , and then worked in teaching and governess posts until 1908 .
20 I contacted the Welsh Office , let them know of our irritation at not being consulted and obtained a copy of the paper .
21 For their UK data ADD carried out such a test and obtained a test statistic of 17.93 which has to be compared with a critical chi-square value of 15.5 at the 5 per cent level and 20.1 at the 1 per cent level , with 8 degrees of freedom .
22 But the Act may be rendered inoperative if , before the lease was granted , the original landlord and original tenant agreed that the Act would not apply and obtained a Court order to that effect .
23 The FIS had won 55.42 per cent of the vote and obtained a majority in 853 municipalities and 32 provinces , while the ruling National Liberation Front ( FLN ) won only 31.64 per cent , 487 municipalities and 14 provinces , and the Rally for Culture and Democracy ( RCD ) won 5.65 per cent , 87 municipalities , and the province of Tizi Ouzou .
24 They improved the lighting further and obtained a further improvement in productivity in both groups .
25 The Leith Chamber of Commerce was instituted in 1840 and in 1852 the Directors petitioned for and obtained a Charter of Incorporation on their representation ‘ That the town of Leith is the principal seaport in the East of Scotland and it would tend much to the encouragement and promotion of the trade and manufacture already extensively established and carried on there , if the Petitioners were incorporated as a Chamber of Commerce and Manufacturers , with the powers and privileges usually conferred on such bodies ’ .
26 As the romance blossomed , he moved from Enfield to be nearer her home in Coatbridge and obtained a new job in the Computer Department at Stoddard .
27 Additionally , Rule 5 — 30(2) requires that in respect of a warrant or derivative , before a firm : ( a ) recommends a transaction ; ( b ) arranges or executes a transaction ( even if it has not recommended it ) ; or ( c ) acts as a discretionary manager ; it must have sent the private customer a Warrants or Derivatives Risk Warning Notice and obtained a copy signed by the customer so that the firm is satisfied that the customer has had a proper opportunity to consider its terms .
28 But now her husband has tracked her down and obtained a High Court order for the return of his children to America .
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