Example sentences of "and responded to " in BNC.

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1 She felt the deep need in Rachel 's hug , and responded to it , but it was Rachel 's need not her own .
2 Outside Phoebe 's open bedroom door Rachel paused , wondering if her daughter had heard the explosion and responded to it .
3 The vast majority from the most senior consultant to the most junior nurse worked long hours and responded to daily emergencies in a way that was an object lesson to us all .
4 Pebbles stretched out her neck and responded to Eddery 's exhortations with the utmost gameness to go a length up .
5 The overall purpose of the study was to examine the way in which familial child sexual abuse was identified and responded to by social workers and police officers in the early investigative stage .
6 The dog had learned to associate the tuning fork with food and responded to it as though it were food .
7 Whatever the views of the predominantly middle-aged critics had been — and they were mostly favourable — audiences in their teens and early twenties would still have found the film out and responded to it .
8 Again these were received and responded to by Mrs Kemp .
9 Best of all , his work would take on a new virility once he rooted himself in the earth and responded to what he called its ‘ music ’ , experiencing its moods as ‘ symphonic , dramatic ’ .
10 As children , our cries for attention are acknowledged and responded to , ignored or dealt with by aggression .
11 Despite the hype , Switchboard is very special ; not because of its size , or its range , or its particular achievements but because of the way in which it has endured and grown and responded to a perceived constituency .
12 Even if the suggestion that is made is not feasible , it should be listened to with courtesy and responded to with the respect that such an offer demands .
13 She had some ketoacidosis and responded to conventional treatment .
14 This one was recorded from the rabbit by W. R. Levick , reference 6 ; it had the receptive field plotted in the centre , and responded to bars at different orientations as shown by the responses round the outside of the figure .
15 In the visual system of birds , colours and contrasting outlines are some of the features picked out and responded to strongly .
16 This continually looked at and responded to data being put into temporary text files by the VARPRO programs that were rested under tablet key file instructions .
17 She accepted the cigarette as she accepted most offerings , and still elated at the sound of her French being understood and responded to by Frenchmen , volunteered the information that she was going to Nîmes , to stay with a family .
18 At first a few individuals left off talking , then this engendered a positive feedback , more people heard the gathering soundlessness and responded to it so that whole tiers shut up .
19 Taken together , the historical and contemporary British and American examples reviewed above suggest that the way trade unions are perceived by society and responded to by the state are key factors in the genesis of industrial confrontation .
20 Have we always seen such change and uncertainty and responded to it in the same way ?
21 Thus in appraising a particular visual image both similarity and familiarity will affect how aspects such as shape , pattern , colour or subject matter are organized and responded to .
22 How have people reacted and responded to your treatment and really erm how they feel about things now ?
23 In study 4 children watched a tutoring dyad performing a spatial task and responded to the tutee 's verbal and non-verbal cues signalling the lack of understanding .
24 It would seem many misunderstood the form and responded to the following points as if they were under the heading of organisation .
25 No biopsy was performed in the other cases but the lung opacity on the chest x ray or computed tomogram had the same macroscopic aspect as in the cases of proved lung lymphoma and responded to chemotherapy as well as the gastric lesion .
26 If this is the kind of filtering we require then we must develop an architecture which allows such changes of activity to be constantly monitored and responded to by the higher levels .
27 If interpreted by the parent as hostile and rejecting behaviour , and responded to in turn by punishment and rejection , a mutually reinforcing pattern of hostile interaction may begin .
28 Azor had been well trained and , even if she did n't know the words of command in Czech , he was an intelligent animal and responded to her tone of voice every time .
29 He said the move increased parental choice and responded to complaints that the Government was discriminating against church schools .
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