Example sentences of "and control over " in BNC.

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1 Tory transport policy is geared to increasing competition , widening customer choice and , in the long term , reducing state subsidy and control over public services .
2 Social workers have an important role in raising clients ' consciousness of the structural sources of their difficulties so that they can achieve greater influence and control over their lives .
3 In short , rapid population growth was a result of poverty and this asked fundamental questions about access and control over the means of production as well as the technical means by which they were developed .
4 Because there is no authoritative definition of organic farming , the European Commission is seeking to harmonise definitions and control over organic food production .
5 Through the placing of contracts , the planning of directly provided services , and control over where its residents may be treated , Type I systems give the home authority the potential to ensure that its priorities are pursued and that the planned balance between health care groups is maintained .
6 Choice and control over one 's environment
7 The ‘ computer culture ’ will aggravate the gap between West and East , where computers will be used to increase centralisation and control over individuals .
8 Pupils are able , through reading and responding to literature , to develop an understanding of and control over an ever-widening range of written forms .
9 Being able to praise yourself will give you power and control over your own life .
10 National armaments should be limited by mutual agreement , and the pressures of the military-industrial complex regulated by nationalization of armaments firms and control over the arms trade .
11 Their willpower and control over their own bodies are undermined .
12 Such a correspondence would ensure that no political party exercises undue influence and control over the means of communication or that the means of communication do not overwhelmingly support one political party .
13 Gordon Kirk 's chapter ( 1.1 ) points to the variable controls over the curriculum from the centre that marked earlier historical periods ; the post-war tradition that curriculum matters were largely the subject of professional decision-making and the gradual reassertion of central influence and control over the curriculum since the mid-1970s .
14 The boundary separating these two domains is thus a function of a community 's isolation and lack of effective communication with , and control over , its surroundings .
15 The balance between press freedom and control over problematic reportage varies between different countries .
16 Thus if my main concern is to have a vast stock of personal possessions and control over the lives of others , I can doubtless only have them at the expense of others .
17 In Western Europe similar lines of argument stress that sub-national governments are tied to national elites by networks of patronage , clientelism , and control over public expenditure .
18 Assuming that the government of the day has a comfortable majority in the House of Commons , executive dominance over the legislature and control over the processes of decision making becomes possible .
19 According to the White paper community care may be defined as providing the right level of intervention and support to enable people to achieve maximum independence and control over their own lives .
20 But it needs also to engage with those theories which deconstruct the distinction between the ‘ individual ’ and the ‘ social ’ , which recognise the power of desire and fantasy and the problems of supposing any ‘ original ’ unity in the self , while at the same time preserving its concern with lived experience and the practical and material struggles of women to achieve more autonomy and control over their lives .
21 In these circumstances Manchuria was seen as a justifiable target for Japan 's ambitions , and control over certain economic , political and military aspects of China was also sought .
22 He applauded those measures , such as Lloyd George 's budget of 1909 , which tended to diminish social inequality , but attacked all moves to increase state centralization and control over the individual .
23 Women are free to choose their spouse , and have moved towards the development of equal rights in such matters as divorce and control over property .
24 However , in many instances the arrangement represented the exercise of power and control over the protected State which was in a position of subordination , making it logical that claims should be made against the more powerful State .
25 By adopting policies against sexual harassment they are opposing hitherto-accepted codes of normal masculinity and their effects in exercising power and control over women .
26 We need to see teaching , therefore , not as the transmission of pre-existing knowledge to passive recipients , but rather as the provision of opportunities for children to continue to exercise their in-built drive actively to make sense of their experience and , thereby , to gain understanding of , and control over , the world in which they live .
27 The pathological connotations of the term paranoid-schizoid are more appropriate to the reappearance of certain of these strategies later in life , when they become overextended from their normal place , and therefore develop as aspects of rupture , as when an adult attempts to gain power and control over another person as a substitute for the development of self-discipline .
28 Women have been at the forefront of many community health initiatives , reclaiming knowledge of and control over their own bodies ; redefining their own experience of health and illness ; rejecting inappropriate high-tech birthing methods ; questioning the over-prescribing of drugs ; revitalising the role of traditional medicine .
29 In supporting our own active participation in , and control over our own affairs , such people are giving us the right kind of help .
30 At present , as indicated , central policy is often very vague and control over detail too meticulous .
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