Example sentences of "and disappeared [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He swam up and away from the tangle of lines and disappeared on the other side of the iceberg .
2 Where characters appeared and disappeared at random , and the plot was therefore ever-changing and never got anywhere .
3 Salomon , who had left Germany when he was nine , showed few signs of anything like this happening to him — although he was reported as ‘ somewhat unsociable ’ and disappeared at one stage for three days , returning well and happy .
4 In the shape of a little old man , bent and stooping , with an old bag on his shoulder , he appeared and disappeared at whim , often through walls and machinery , and terrifying anyone who saw him .
5 In 1935 they were summoned to Moscow by the Comintern and in April 1937 Neumann was arrested by the NKVD and disappeared for ever .
6 One night all these goods were secretly taken away and disappeared for good .
7 It stopped for a moment , then went quietly into the long grass and disappeared for ever .
8 ‘ He then said ‘ I wo n't be a moment ’ and disappeared for his warm up then he walked back into the changing room , stripped off to the waist again , carried on his conversation and continued drinking his beer . ’
9 The green frog plopped back into the water and disappeared with a loud PLOOK ! — leaving a very puzzled Anabelle sitting on the bank of the canal .
10 The wounded cow , however , dashed frantically towards the jungle along with the other terrified animals of the herd and disappeared with them into the shade .
11 Blanche nodded wordlessly to Dexter who , with a show of reluctance , opened the door and disappeared with Taczek to arrange the formalities of release .
12 Near here the student hopped out , waved goodbye and disappeared up a side lane .
13 He saw the two women sitting there as the Orion glided past and disappeared up a side street .
14 Significantly , the Athletic News , which had provided splendid weekly coverage , fell from its 170,000 circulation and disappeared as an independent title in 1931 .
15 The Shadowlands crumbled and disappeared below the hungry waves .
16 The teachers grabbed Mould and disappeared through an archway .
17 A narrow stairway of stone curled around a pillar near the door and disappeared through the beams of the roof .
18 However , the intruder refused to reply and disappeared through a wall .
19 The ghost , however , paid no heed , walked through the machinery and disappeared through a wall .
20 The steward scrambled off the bar stool and disappeared through the swing door .
21 Willie Noolan gave him a distant wave ; Ted Morgan did an almost military about-turn when he spotted him and disappeared through the door ; even Jacko Roberts seemed to consider his offer of a drink with more sardonic suspicion than usual .
22 The driver got down from the cab and walked slowly down the platform and disappeared through a solid wooden door .
23 They continued to watch in stunned silence as Guy ran up the stairs and disappeared through the doorway , then turned to look at each other .
24 Without a word , Matthew moved across the yard and disappeared through the stable door .
25 ‘ Shelley — ’ But the last stroke had sounded , its echo drifting away into the night , and with a frown of anxiety , he pulled himself away from her and disappeared through the door .
26 With a giggle she slipped out of his arms and disappeared through the door , turning off the lights as she went .
27 There was a swish of skis and a figure came hurtling past the hut , executed a brilliant turn in a flurry of snow and disappeared over the shoulder of the mountain .
28 But as it came closer there was no mistaking the great leafy bird which flew across the road and disappeared over the top of the hill .
29 I persuaded a friend of mine to visit the summit one evening and he was so taken in by the view that he stepped back from the trig point and disappeared over the edge of the crag that crowns the top .
30 Elsy Marouez , my successor in the job , has also been captured and disappeared since August 1981 .
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