Example sentences of "and created a " in BNC.

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1 East Germany has defeated the ‘ class enemy ’ and created a superior society where human beings can develop free of exploitation .
2 It failed , and the general purged the armed forces and created a power structure that strengthened his supporters ' hold on the military .
3 It was Mayer who gave the experienced Michael York a torrid afternoon and created a string of opportunities with penetrating crosses .
4 He thought that Craig might have lost some votes because people had not forgiven his voluntary coalition heresy but recognized that , had Craig emulated Paisley and created a reputation as an active constituency MP , he would have retained the seat .
5 They made peaces , and created a fragmented Peace ( fragile and ungoverned ) from a series of bilateral contracts between groups as well as by reciprocal threats .
6 Admittedly , in recent years , top coaches such as ‘ Chalkie ’ White at Leicester and Alan Davies at Nottingham has provided a focus and created a centre of excellence which has attracted players but I am not so sure that the same parameters still apply .
7 The Convention set down certain human rights and created a political and judicial procedure to secure their protection .
8 Although the case collapsed and Docherty admitted telling ‘ a pack of lies ’ in court , it opened up damaging wounds within Manchester United , and created a climate of fear and loathing among leading players that stretches to the present day .
9 In England the Local Government Act ( 1972 ) redrew the boundaries of local government and created a mixed system , in which major metropolitan areas retained powerful district councils whose responsibility included education , housing and social services , while in non-metropolitan areas education and social services were the responsibility of county councils , which also had the tasks of strategic ( structure ) planning .
10 The bitter pill of generic substitution was leaked to the press , and created a totally unwanted side effect : an unholy row .
11 Almost single handedly in the past three years Jones has made high technology and the ‘ sunrise ’ industries household words and created a climate of industrial and community awareness .
12 From cunningly concealed speakers piped music wafted , but music played so softly that it was almost inaudible to the human ear , a faint teasing melody that soothed the soul and created a restful atmosphere almost without one being aware of it .
13 Edward Heath disbanded the government and parliament of Northern Ireland in March 1972 and created a new post of secretary of state for Northern Ireland .
14 He lifted the crowd and created a special atmosphere at Elland Road .
15 Stand-in kicker Ropati landed six goals from nine attempts and created a try for Alan Hunte .
16 Yet the symptoms of decline were tangible and created a growing sense of embattlement among middle-ranking landowners .
17 The fact that there is something quite new and of a different quality means that we will rapidly discard the old and move into the new , just as colour television sets were substituted for black and white , and created a very high growth rate over a period of years .
18 Originally a Dizzy game , the Codies decided they did n't want to put our ovoid chum in a real-world adventure and created a new character instead — Seymour was born !
19 Such conditions , Rowntree found , encouraged young people , often reluctantly , to leave the land , and created a brooding if often inactive hostility of farmworkers towards farmers and landowners .
20 Whether or not it was ‘ in their haste , their unwillingness to temporise , that the Vietminh leaders , with their fathomless vanity , had driven their country straight into conflict with France ’ — the reproach of Vietnamese intellectuals and non-marxist nationalists — it was a rather academic if not drawing-room argument that the Vietminh could easily have brought about national unanimity and created a national state rather than revolution and the party state .
21 Unlike his mother , who slept with the curtains drawn , Patrick preferred them open , and the wan dawn light reflected off the snow and created a ghostly , sparkling pattern across the high ceiling .
22 To mobilize the American economy with such remarkable success , the Roosevelt administration drew on its experience of the New Deal period and created a whole series of new government agencies .
23 On the same day that the Petrograd Soviet was set up , the Duma leaders , while accepting the prorogation ordered by the Tsar , held a private meeting and created a Provisional Committee .
24 In March an All-Russian Conference of Soviets met in Petrograd and created a Soviet Central Executive Committee .
25 Shaw was knighted in 1660 and created a baronet , with three of his partners , in 1665 .
26 He was knighted in 1885 and created a baronet later the same year .
27 Writing in 1900 , the German architect and critic Hermann Muthesius identified as one of the most significant developments in European architecture the tendency of certain British architects towards what he described as a ‘ modern ’ style , which referred to no tradition , and created a new architectural language of space and mass .
28 In addition to opening up the northern prairies , it produced a land boom in northern British Columbia , where land values rose from 50 cents an acre to 30–60 dollars an acre in the space of a few years , and created a new Pacific port at Prince Rupert , 500 miles north of Vancouver , a new town where the population reached 5,000 in the space of two years .
29 In 1881 Mr Kibataro Oki produced the first Japanese telephone and created a company that has grown dramatically over the last 110 years .
30 In 1881 Mr Kibataro Oki produced the first Japanese telephone and created a company that has grown dramatically over the last 110 years .
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