Example sentences of "and formed a " in BNC.

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1 Squawking madly in what appeared to be a family squabble over the direction they should take , they suddenly closed ranks , as if by order , and formed a perfect vee behind their leader .
2 During the rest of the inter-war period , and indeed ever since , Labour politicians and commentators have attempted to explain why Ramsay MacDonald ditched the second Labour government and formed a National Government .
3 In Paris he studied at the atelier of David 's pupil Baron Gros , and formed a close friendship with the young Eugene Delacroix , with whom he briefly shared a studio .
4 ICI has split its operation in Argentina and formed a new company ICI Argentina .
5 Another door , covering the bars of the fire , could be let down and formed a useful ledge .
6 In 1926 breeders had managed to set some standards and formed a society , opening a herdbook for the Irish Moiled in that year , and by 1929 they had decided that the preferred colouring should be red or roan with a white dorsal line , white tail and underline and white udder .
7 In 1909 the LCC completely reorganized its school welfare programme and formed a central co-ordinating body with a number of Children 's Care ( School ) Committees on the basis of one for every elementary school .
8 A number of businessmen living on the North Wales coast , travelling to and from Manchester daily , joined together and formed a club .
9 JAMES SERVICE ( 1823–1899 ) emigrated to Melbourne in the 1840s and formed a large commercial firm ; he entered state politics and rose to be Premier of Victoria from 1883 to 1885 .
10 At the south-western corner of the city walls two smaller castles were built , Baynard 's and Mountfichet , but never allowed to become great fortresses ; and they were finally removed from this strategic place by Edward I in the late thirteenth century : by a king whose mighty works at the Tower mirrored his determination to keep the Londoners under firm control ; but who greatly expanded the western end and formed a large new enclosure there for the Dominican friars , who could help him to ensure that no hostile presence met him when he came from Westminster to the City .
11 Charles 's cavalry rallied to hold off the 500 enemy horse which broke through into the rear of his lines and formed a protective corridor down which he , and those of his men still able to fight , slowly withdrew , fiercely resisting .
12 When Deuce split up , Marty moved to Hawaii and formed a band down there called …
13 The flight at once broke to the right and formed a defensive circle , the Messerschmitts overshooting them — and probably climbing back to higher altitude .
14 His podgy , clean-nailed fingers locked together and formed a vaulted shrine over the few pages of notes that contained my Mother 's life .
15 It can be traced back to the creation of a committee of New Socialists in 1989 , which held a Congress in 1990 and formed a small Socialist Party of the USSR .
16 Publishers found themselves forced into a downward spiral of competitive explicitness , and formed a bizarre trade association , drawing up voluntary guidelines to avoid continually courting prosecution .
17 Tentative behind-the-scenes suggestions by a minority of Cabinet Ministers that the Government should examine the option of peace without victory were brushed aside when , in December , Lloyd George replaced Asquith as Prime Minister , and formed a new Coalition Government explicitly committed to his policy of imposing unconditional surrender on Germany — ‘ the knock-out blow ’ .
18 They said they had not been properly consulted about the venue and formed a rival organisation , the Professional Chess Association , to manage the championship .
19 With subscriber numbers running at less than half their target , Hutchison Telecommunications UK Ltd 's Personal Communications Telepoint pocket phone subsidiary has cut the prices of its GEC Plessey Telecommunications Ltd-made Rabbit CT2 phones , and formed a direct sales force to target small businesses .
20 Opposing factions including the Khmer Rouge finally agreed to a ceasefire last October , and formed a four-party interim coalition , with each component administering its own territory .
21 There she became friends with Busoni and Klemperer and formed a life-long close rapport with another great singer , Lotte Lehmann .
22 Rhee was elected as chairman of the assembly and formed a government claiming to represent the whole of Korea .
23 ‘ The quarry roads ran from south to north and formed a peculiar pattern , each having tributary tracks since each farm was separated from its neighbour by a continuous stone wall without gaps .
24 After murdering some of his art-loving favourites in 1482 , one group imprisoned him in reasonable comfort in Edinburgh castle and formed a provisional government .
25 The Le Mans race has been a prominent part of the World Sports Car Championship since its inauguration in 1953 and formed a round in the championship every year with the exception of 1956 and 1975–79 .
26 Spaak proved a determined and businesslike chairman , and formed a number of smaller study committees , including one on a common market .
27 Thakin Ba Sein , the first leader of Do-Bama Asi-Ayone , who had fallen out with the younger Thakins and formed a rival party , came in .
28 But the lines of light glittered on the carved glassy flowers and formed a bright hazy enveloping pattern with the triangles of round mandarins , the crisscross of orange peel , Marcus 's fine polyhedrons in the tree , the changing firelight itself .
29 In their personal lives there had been parallels that had drawn them close and formed a bond between them ; not least the loss of both their wives some ten years back .
30 It was not in fact until a newly legalised Solidarity had been successful at the polls and formed a majority administration in 1989 that the making of public policy began again to command at least a minimum of public acceptability .
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