Example sentences of "[n mass] who live [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 People who live on a housing estate once labelled the worst in Europe are fighting to keep the headquarters of their community development project .
2 I 'd always been fascinated by the people who live on the skid rows of our cities — the ones we regard as the scum of the earth .
3 People who live on the streets lose self-esteem .
4 I left Reine early , when all the people who live on the outskirts of Paris pour in to the city to work .
5 The only people you get on the flats , is the people who live on the flats , and the people who 's been invited into the flats .
6 I mean a lot of people who live on the do n't go into town at all .
7 Six members of the Christian Fellowship Church in Belfast will spend two weeks with the people who live on the dumps of Mexico 's Reynosa .
8 Meanwhile people who live on the estate have continued to criticise the threatened bus boycott .
9 She said : ‘ These clothes are a definite must for people who live for the night .
10 But people who live under the flight path used by the jets say that the report does n't explain properly HOW the accident happened .
11 It is the people who live without the acknowledgement of death who are in danger of destroying themselves spiritually .
12 Others , however , suggest , less cheeringly and no less convincingly , that the duration of disability proceeding death rises with age , so the more people who live to a longer life span , the bigger the health bills .
13 Very interesting to people who live outside the county .
14 Frequently too , people who live in a particular geographic location combine together to form a pressure group if their neighbourhood has been earmarked by government for the siting of , for example , a new motorway or nuclear power station or the dumping of nuclear waste which is considered to constitute a substantial threat to their safety and health .
15 There are some people who live in a world of detail .
16 Mm I mean er why do n't they do it on like the square , how big your house is because that way you could I know it 's not far when people who live in a great big old house do n't have to pay as much cos if this I mean Uncle Trevor and Aunty they 've got a massive great house have n't they ?
17 White people who live in an area like Neasden , Dalston , wherever , should really be talking about how much Black culture influences them , instead of it being always us who have to talk about the influences of white culture on us .
18 The only local people who live in the village live in cottages tied to the estate , and many cottages lie empty for most of the year while the number of rural homeless grows .
19 The indigenous people who live in the forests all around the world have been murdered , terrorised and driven from their land by greedy developers .
20 Since the book appeared in America , Rock has been surprised by the letters he 's received ‘ from people who live in the suburbs or small flats where the father is the king , where his armchair is the throne .
21 But there is another vivid illustration of the discrimination practised by the Labour Party against people who live in the province .
22 In providing our public services , we will continue to recognise the particular needs of people who live in the countryside .
23 A. For people who live in the hills of Britain the lowland plains seem flat , dull and uninteresting .
24 The people who live in the same house or block of flats as you do .
25 The Chewong are a hunter-gatherer , shifting cultivating group of people who live in the tropical rain forest of the Malay Peninsula .
26 I have found one must speak slowly to people who live in the back streets of London .
27 So a leisure card 's been introduced now and will be I hopefully will be expand and give that sort of financial reward to people who live in the town .
28 So in the midst of all this apparent optimism we have independent community initiatives , run by people who live in the community , groups who are trying to provide work , wealth , education , advice and community support — groups which are under fierce attack for so doing !
29 Next year I 'll report to the general assembly erm , if all things are equal , that the Board will by then have set up a scheme to allow care workers to go out from our erm residential establishments into the community to extend the kind of professional service that we 're able to give in our establishments to people who live in the community .
30 Helen Martin , our chairperson said , ‘ The Heatfest weekend was so important to us as tenants because for the very first time , the people who live in the damp houses got the opportunity to sit round the table with the people who in the past were responsible for creating the kinds of conditions that we are now forced to live in and we could say , hey look !
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