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1 Numerator data are based on registration returns about child deaths , whereas denominator data are obtained from the 1981 census .
2 For the analyses of childhood cancers including leukaemias — that is , those diagnosed in children aged 0–14 years — data were obtained from the National Registry of Childhood Tumours at the Childhood Cancer Research Group .
3 The data were obtained from the Canadian Hemophilia Registry .
4 Hospital discharge data were obtained from the Finnish National Agency for Welfare and Health , the causes of deaths from the Finnish State Statistics , and annual alcohol consumption from the Finnish State Alcohol Company .
5 If the fish are obtained from the same area the chances are that they all came from the same parents .
6 Caswell and Lerche modified this relationship to include a z -dependence , which gives D= 43pc , whereas D=34 pc is obtained from the expression of Allakhverdiyev et al.
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