Example sentences of "[n mass] [Wh pn] work [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ( in fact , far from being considered inappropriate , the word ‘ bin ’ is now thought highly suitable among people who work with the mentally handicapped to describe large hospitals , but the irony tends to elude the general public ) .
2 Yet many people who work with the mentally handicapped find it depressing , difficult and unfulfilling .
3 New members must undertake a stretching programme of lectures , discussions , group work — including role play , visits of observation to special schools and assessment centres , meetings with people who work with the Hearing system , and study .
4 A large proportion of the people who work at a nuclear plant — a total of several hundred for each reactor — are concerned with ‘ health physics ’ , the official description for radiation protection .
5 Scattered villages house people who work at the power station , or in the nearby towns of Bridgwater and Taunton .
6 How the insights of people who work at the level of the ‘ real ’ people will be used is , however still a concern .
7 For people who work outside the home , work provides the main opportunity to form this loose social network but for others the same support is provided by an extended family network of children , grandchildren , brothers and sisters and neighbours .
8 At present , the vast majority of people who work for the Scottish Transport Group come within a pension scheme-TOPS .
9 What he did not give in response to the many points made by my Hon. Friend the Member for Dundee , East ( Mr. McAllion ) were absolute guarantees and reassurance for the people who work for the Scottish Transport Group .
10 The people who work for the ES are civil servants .
11 The eight hundred and thirty five people who work for the Polymer Engineering division in Ross on Wye and Ashchuch can tonight breath a sigh of relief .
12 This is especially so for people who work on a continuous basis as casual workers .
13 But erm certainly with this style of hat was commonly worn I suppose to his and by the people who work on the land , certainly in this part of the world .
14 Second , there is a category composed of people who work on an irregular basis , but with whom the organisation is interested in developing a continuing relationship .
15 The Department of Employment ( DE ) Group encourages sporting and social activities for people who work within the Group .
16 ‘ He knows he could not find an independent panel anywhere in Britain which would accept it is right to make an offer which is less than the rate of inflation to people who work in a service which is already underpaid and understaffed . ’
17 What the people who work in a local government planning office do is constrained by a further dominant ideology at some higher level of centrality .
18 People who work in a particular business tend to read the relevant trade and technical press , whether in the UK it be The Grocer , Marketing , Electronics Weekly , the British Baker , or whatever .
19 People who work in an office may have their own particular problems .
20 The new alliance of pressure groups would aim to ‘ secure democracy in the NHS , exclude commercialisation of health care from the service and achieve a real health service review in which the people who work in the NHS are consulted . ’
21 Elliot Bernerd of Chelsfield says : ‘ One of the psychological problems is people who work in the institutions and banks are in the City every day and they see these monster empty buildings such as MEPC 's Alban Gate .
22 It is also true that the growing body of scientific evidence has had one effect in that the agreed levels of exposure to both people who work in the industry or who live in the vicinity of power stations have become steadily more stringent since the early days when it was thought unnecessary to warn military personnel that there was any risk in their presence a matter of miles from an atomic test explosion .
23 Facing opposition from the City , from English Heritage and all the conservation groups , amenity organizations and civic societies in the country , as well as hundreds of people who work in the City , it was quite a shock when a different Environment Secretary , Nicholas Ridley , agreeing with his inspector , granted permission for demolition and redevelopment .
24 ‘ The interesting thing is , ’ I said , ‘ that it 's quite different for the people who work in the shop .
25 Perhaps we should include people who work in the area but do not live there ?
26 He regards eight shillings a week for those in work as quite sufficient , even for a family with eight children , for after all people who work in the open air , a healthy life , do not require as much food as those in manufacturing districts .
27 It is the people who work in the institutions who are most exposed to our dislike .
28 How can a Government who claim to defend the national health service pursue that claim when the hidden agenda behind so many of the changes is to break the morale , commitment and solidarity of people who work in the health service ?
29 I suspect that people who work in the industry are under no illusions .
30 Archaeologists share techniques and methods with people who work in the humanities , social scientists , geographers , environmental scientists and natural scientists .
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