Example sentences of "be delayed [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For example , in the provisions for extension of time , an extension may be given if the works are delayed for any reason beyond the control of the contractor ( a clause of much wider scope , incidentally , than in other JCT contracts ) , and the contractor is not required to provide information to assist the supervising officer in making an extension .
2 Where proceedings are delayed through unreasonable or time-wasting behaviour by one of the parties involved , the Reporter should feel free to make a recommendation , on which the Secretary of State will place considerable weight , that the expenses of other parties be awarded against the party responsible .
3 Countries to the east of us are in time zones with local time that is ahead of GMT , whereas local time and the time zones to the west are delayed with respect to ours .
4 As each financial year passes , the bow-wave does , indeed , dissipate as research and development programmes meet snags ; as decisions are delayed in the labyrinth of Whitehall committees ; as procurement contracts slip behind schedule ; and as units expend less than they asked for due to similar delays in their day-to-day training and operations .
5 A few guests who are invited to a midweek ceremony may not be able to leave work early , are delayed by rush hour traffic , or have to return home to change their clothes , and therefore they reach the reception after it has started .
6 Who will pay compensation if one operators ' trains are delayed by a breakdown of a train by another operator ?
7 ‘ But where the delivery has been delayed through the fault of either buyer or seller the goods are at the risk of the party at fault as regards any loss which might not have occurred but for such fault . ’
8 The SGA 1979 , s 20(2) provides that where delivery has been delayed through the fault of one of the parties , the goods are at the risk of that party until delivery .
9 On it we would have found the names of other distinguished old Summerhillians … unfortunately , Eric has been delayed at Stonehenge , and has not yet got to grips with the design .
10 The presentations had been delayed on the NATO side by the re-emergence of a Greek-Turkish dispute on the inclusion or non-inclusion of the Turkish port of Mersin in the treaty .
11 In late August , however , only days before the body was due to be transported , Imelda Marcos announced that the burial had been delayed on the grounds that she would not submit the body of her husband to the " indignity " of being transported on the cargo aircraft which had been offered by the Philippines ' government .
12 Since the rate of repayment is reviewed only once annually , quite often the effect of mortgage rate rises has been delayed for some months , allowing the borrower to prepare for the increased cost .
13 Many developments have been delayed for years pending completion of new or improvements to existing sewage works .
14 Some of the consequences were outlined in a study released on the eve of the conference by Arthur Andersen Petroleum Services which claimed that 20 per cent of future UK projects had been delayed for more than a year by the cash flow situation and other uncertainties .
15 Even her departure had been delayed for weeks for want of the funds necessary to fit out her ship and escort .
16 The plenum had been delayed for several months , allegedly because of divisions over economic policy between the central and provincial authorities .
17 Following the elections to the Basque parliament on Oct. 28 , 1990 , the formation of a new regional government had been delayed for three months due to the breakdown of talks between the two parties which had made up the previous governing coalition — the Basque Nationalist Party ( PNV ) , which had emerged as the largest single party , with 22 seats , and the Basque Socialist Party ( PSE-PSOE ) which had been beaten into second place .
18 Reintroduction of the Law on entry to and exit from the USSR had been delayed for almost 18 months in committee since its first reading .
19 It had long been a controversial issue and its approval had been delayed for years because of worries about the environmental consequences and the cost of the project .
20 Their arrival had been delayed for a fortnight after Gen. Farah Aydid claimed on July 7 that an aircraft with UN markings bringing food aid had also carried from Nairobi military equipment and counterfeit money for his rival , Somalia 's transitional President , Ali Mahdi Mohammed .
21 Erm , I think the scheme has been delayed for quite a long , well , I mean obviously it 's important to get this scheme off the ground and when people , and I 've had lots of phone calls and discussions about this , and when people have spoken to me I said , it 's important to bear in mind two things .
22 Now er sure the programme has been delayed for all the reasons I I 've mentioned .
23 Though since to find an alternative word was n't going to alter matters at all by the look of it , Fabia began to wonder if perhaps Vendelin Gajdusek was coming back from Prague today to keep his appointment but had been delayed for some reason or another .
24 CONTROVERSIAL plans to redevelop a dilapidated shopping arcade in a town centre have been delayed for at least a year .
25 He called a meeting of senior Cabinet members and energy ministers in an attempt to get agreement on the proposed white paper on energy , which has been delayed for more than two months .
26 Redemption has been delayed pending the taking of these accounts and the inquiry .
27 Other loans to Algeria from the IMF , the World Bank and the European Communities had been delayed pending the signing of this agreement .
28 One of the farthest-reaching pieces of recycling legislation in Europe , the law was originally passed in November , but implementation has been delayed pending a referendum on even more stringent waste regulations , introduced through a Green Party-backed " citizens ' initiative " .
29 The closure of thirty-one pits by British Coal has been delayed pending a decision by a judge as to whether or not it is legal .
30 It has been delayed pending final clearance .
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