Example sentences of "be at variance " in BNC.

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1 The placing of the concept of the Created God entirely in that period of the earth 's history which follows the advent of life , means that science and religion do not need to be at variance .
2 However circumstances may arise when the public interest or the reputation of the profession itself may be at variance with the narrower interests of an employer .
3 However circumstances may arise when the public interest or the reputation of the profession itself may be at variance with the narrower interests of an employer .
4 Such speeds would seem to be at variance with the shared space concept ; indeed some have gone so far as to suggest eight km/h as a more appropriate maximum consistent with child safety .
5 Furthermore , a constant emphasis on development in old age may be at variance with both our intellectual and our emotional response to decay and death .
6 Not only so , but I believe this statement to be deeply theologically inadequate and that various points to be at variance both with scripture and with the Westminster confession of faith the standard and the principle subordinate standard of this church .
7 Obviously , a line-by-line comparison was not needed at this point , but it was probable that their conditions would be at variance with others in the same industry .
8 This seems to be at variance with John Jones where a number of incidents over a period were held to be duplicitously charged as a single count of affray .
9 One of the most pedantic of the sub-editors was saying : ‘ You 're all looking for somebody with what you call a reason , but his thinking will be at variance with yours . ’
10 In those circumstances , he seems to be at variance with his own Front Bench spokesmen .
11 The animals develop normally , and are fertile and immunologically competent , which would seem to be at variance with the idea that p53 is involved in these apoptosis-associated processes .
12 Erm , I think although members are n't concerned about the proceedings being tape recorded , the officers may be , in terms of you being able to produce a recording at a later date of what we actually say , which may be at variance with the minutes .
13 Moreover , insofar as it suggests a commercial equivalence or de minimis rule , this would seem to be at variance with Lord Atkin 's approach in Arcos Ltd v EA Ronaasen and Son .
14 If a group claiming to speak on behalf of elderly people had failed to deliver because its own interests were at variance with those of its wider public , the absence of any promotional or representative body during the following decade rendered the pensioners ' position still more hazardous .
15 I did , however , express my views on the construction and effect of the section which , it now appears , were at variance with the views of academic and other writers : see ‘ The Judge and the Competent Minor ’ by Andrew Bainham ( 1992 ) 108 L.Q.R. 194 , 198 ; ‘ Multiple Keyholders — Wardship and Consent to Medical Treatment ’ by Rosy Thornton [ 1992 ] C.L.J. 34 , 36 ; Doctors , Patients and the Law , ( 1992 ) , at pp. 60–61 ( Ian Kennedy ) , at p. 76 ( Lawrence Gostin ) and at pp. 156–157 ( Ian Dodds-Smith ) and Margaret Brazier , Medicine , Patients and the Law , 2nd ed. ( 1992 ) , p. 345 .
16 The Spirit reconciles men who were at variance .
17 Although Howell was cited to the Court , none of the three judgments refers to that decision , and Templeman and Denning L.JJ. made remarks that were at variance with it .
18 The 79-year old former President had repeated difficulty in remembering specific decisions , meetings , dates , and even the identities of some members of his administration , and his evidence included instances where his recollections were at variance with documentary evidence and with the sworn testimony of other participants in the Iran-contra affair .
19 The Communists were at variance with all their previous allies and there was room for an alternative viewpoint .
20 The Cubans , however , with the help of state resources , have used television and film to encourage the development of the values of the revolution , especially where these are at variance with traditional and deeply held views .
21 Latin and Anglo-Saxon temperaments are at variance about what would constitute an acceptable noise level ; and young people do not seem to be so intolerant of noise as their elders .
22 This kind of administrative structure may be regarded as likely to lead to the implementation of policies that are at variance with those favoured by elected local councils .
23 For a start , and leaving aside the merits and demerits of PR — on which the NSS and I are at variance — one obvious fact ought to be hammered home .
24 The principal areas where the proposals of the IASC exposure draft and the [ draft ] FRS are at variance * are :
25 I waited with bated breath for this statement to be interpreted in some tactful way , such as , ‘ Could you please check your figures since mine are at variance with yours ? ’
26 Lists of the so-called Anti-Reformers or Boroughmongers were set out in the radical press , and as the electors were so few and were persons of standing , their views were really known in advance and the outcome could be predicted accurately — contrary to the modern opinion polls which so often are at variance with the result .
27 In his opening address to the special session Kaifu promised to submit legislation to prevent any recurrence of the securities scandals , which he described as " most deplorable not only because they … have seriously undermined general investor trust worldwide in the integrity of our stock markets , but also because they are at variance with our ideal of a fair society " .
28 Sometimes my views are at variance with the institution
29 Sir : The Chancellor 's policy of fighting inflation with exceptionally high real interest rates is at variance with the government 's economic philosophy in two significant ways .
30 A Board of Trade Memo in 1940 was to remark on Maxwell 's notoriety for ‘ pursuing a policy with which the rest of the industry is at variance , but bitter personal experience lay behind his low-level ambition .
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