Example sentences of "be expel from " in BNC.

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1 AI delegations have been expelled from countries after discovering evidence of human rights abuse and several countries , such as China , have refused Amnesty entry .
2 Arabs who had been expelled from their land and thrust into the condition of Jewish refugees are hereby reformulated as imperialist aggressors and as Nazis .
3 Legally , the refugees have been expelled from East Germany , meaning that under current rules they can not return .
4 Liu Binyan had been expelled from the party and dismissed from his post in 1987 , and is living in exile in the US .
5 Two years earlier , Karl Marx , the father of Scientific Socialism , settled in London having been expelled from Prussia and France .
6 The Peace Corps , the United States volunteer programme , has been expelled from both Bolivia and Peru for its activities in sterilising peasant women without their knowledge ( Bronstein 1982 ) .
7 When he arrived at Balliol College in 1792 , he had recently been expelled from Westminster School for publishing an essay condemning flogging , and his radical temperament developed rapidly during his Oxford years .
8 THE FIRST American anthropologist to enter rural China since the communist revolution has been expelled from Stanford University after writing about the barbaric birth control methods he witnessed in the Pearl River delta of south-east China .
9 Ernst & Young 's former marketing partner Andrew Oakley has been expelled from the Institute after misappropriating more than £300,000 of firm funds between January and October 1991 .
10 In FRCN 's view , therefore , the two state governors who had been expelled from the PRP led by Aminu Kano in fact belonged to no party at all , and their claim to be in the official PRP had no validity .
11 On the other hand Galadriel has been expelled from a kind of Heaven , the Deathless land of Valinor , and has been forbidden to return .
12 Between 1870 and 1880 the Jesuits had been expelled from Germany , religious orders dissolved , the State had interfered with the discipline of the clergy , civil marriage had been made obligatory and Prussia had withdrawn its financial support from Catholic churches .
13 Many of the best engineers are Dwarfs who have been expelled from the notoriously hidebound Dwarven Engineers Guild for their radical ideas .
14 Rhee had been expelled from the exiled ‘ government ’ because of his maverick qualities in 1925 and he had then functioned as an independent , although claiming still to be the authentic voice of the government .
15 Prevented from continuing his studies because his parents had been expelled from the Communist Party after 1968 — one of the most pernicious aspects of Husak 's ‘ normalisation ’ — he worked as a stablehand , bulldozer driver and finally bricklayer .
16 ( N.S. ) 709 the applicant had been expelled from his fellowship by the provost and fellows of King 's College , Cambridge .
17 To Abbott and Hornsby were added the names of Captain Lawrence , with whom Wilson had been associated in the formation of the Certificated Officers ' Union , Maurice Darby , the originator of the first Glasgow branch who was alleged to have gone over to the Shipping Federation in 1890 , Robert Pleasance , former secretary of the Tower Hill branch who had been expelled from the union in the same year , and a Thomas Carey , an official of the NSFU discharged for unsatisfactory conduct in 1911 who , Wilson claimed , immediately became involved with the Federation and , while still in its pay , assisted Lewis in setting up the British Seafarers ' Union .
18 He had been expelled from grammar school at the age of sixteen , manufactured tie-dye T-shirts , and then worked in the refreshment kiosk in the monkey-house at London Zoo , where he had the distinction of organising the first strike ( of staff , not animals ) in the zoo 's history .
19 Have we been expelled from an arcadia of fun where nature provided us with innocent automata , lowing and braying machines for our amusement ?
20 By 808 Eardwulf had been expelled from his kingdom , and Mercian involvement is suggested by a papal letter revealing that Cenwulf and the Northumbrian rebels had written to Charlemagne , to whom Eardwulf had fled .
21 Through it Widgery became involved with another student venture , U Magazine , and managed to become its editor without even being a student , having been expelled from school for producing an irreverent magazine .
22 This is the authority which has not increased school meal prices for 11 years , since 1981 ; it has been expelled from the Museums Association for selling pictures and using the money for non-museum purposes — and so on , and so on , and so on .
23 Martin Lee , a leading member of Hong Kong 's " liberal lobby " who had been expelled from the BLDC in October 1989 [ see p. 36974 ] , condemned the draft and accused the UK government of conducting a " policy of appeasement " .
24 Two US diplomats ( out of a total of 55 ) had been expelled from Nicaragua on May 25 for allegedly inciting an opposition teachers ' trade union to public disturbances , and in retaliation two ( higher ranking ) Nicaraguans ( out of a total of only 15 ) were expelled from the USA on May 31 .
25 Members of HB , the political wing of the Basque separatist organization ETA , had been expelled from the Congress on Dec. 4 for qualifying the swearing-in formula with the words " due to legal imperative " [ see p. 37135 ] .
26 All had been expelled from the party in February [ see p. 37256 ] .
27 The opposition National Front for the Salvation of Libya stated that several of those promoted had taken part in purges of dissidents and had been expelled from European countries .
28 On April 30 , 1989 , a group of former ministers led by Basdeo Panday , who had been expelled from the NAR in October 1988 , [ see p. 36554 ] , announced the launch of their new political party , the United National Congress ( UNC ) .
29 Genscher recalled that the decision embodied in the treaty was a difficult one for all Germans , particularly the millions who had been expelled from their homes in the area annexed to Poland , but that the treaty surrendered nothing that had not been lost long ago .
30 No group claimed responsibility , but PLO officials said that Zayd had come to Tunis in October 1989 among a group of defectors from the Revolutionary Council of Fatah led by Sabri al-Banna ( Abu Nidal ) , who had been expelled from the PLO in 1974 .
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