Example sentences of "[am/are] prepared [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the context of special need this means selecting competent , adaptable and understanding staff who are sensitive to the needs which present themselves in the school and who are prepared to undertake the study and training required to keep pace with developments .
2 I note what the hon. Gentleman says , but I have to make the point that it will not be possible to keep any design capability , any warship-building capability or any manufacturing capability for the sort of defence components that we need unless the Government are prepared to fund the defence programme at a sensible level .
3 Just as in their trade policy the Federalists are prepared to sacrifice the Member States ' economic prosperity for the political goal of a United Europe , so does the establishment of a Common Foreign and Security policy sacrifice their military and strategic needs to that same political end .
4 Wasps are prepared to sacrifice the mobility which Gary Holmes and Paddy Dunston provided when Rendall and Probyn , the England props , made a delayed start to the season after taking part in the World XV tour to South Africa .
5 Whether the investors are prepared to support the migration to software remains uncertain .
6 It was an immensely brave step for President Yeltsin to take , and on that basis I believe that it is right for the United Kingdom to change its policy on a rouble stabilisation fund — as an indication that we are prepared to support the reform programme that is now in place .
7 A new and controversial question will find out how many couples of the same sex are partners ( or , more accurately , how many are prepared to report the fact ) .
8 Jackie and Jaafer insist that it stands and are prepared to take the company on in court .
9 And even if the investment were available for incinerators of this quality , there is no guarantee that the rate of return from burning waste would recoup the initial outlay and therefore few councils are prepared to take the risk .
10 We are prepared to take the risk in giving up our jobs and taking a bit of time out . ’
11 Whereas our grandparents and , perhaps , even our parents frowned upon buying anything unless they had saved all the money required , today we expect to own the luxuries of life now and are prepared to bridge the gap between our savings and the price with a loan .
12 Whereas our grandparents and , perhaps , even our parents frowned upon buying anything unless they had saved all the money required , today we expect to own the luxuries of life now and are prepared to bridge the gap between our savings and the price with a loan .
13 oh the timetable which I as well will , will erm , would be about two months , the first step has to be taken by the defendant because we do n't know yet whether they are prepared to oppose the structure , and if so , what sort of structure they would be prepared to oppose , erm , if and when , er a formal offer of structure came through , I would have little doubt that we could instruct accountants and get a response within a matter of weeks , sometimes one has to if they 're doing an commercial structure within a week or so because the offer is only open for ten days
14 What a good investment a greenhouse can be if you are prepared to invest the time necessary to make it work for you .
15 For example , we can prevent factories that are obviously discharging their waste into rivers , from doing so ; and there is virtually no kind of effluent nowadays that can not be safely treated and disposed of , if we are prepared to spend the money .
16 But if you are prepared to spare the time , settle down in an armchair and explore among the oldies in a good descriptive catalogue like David Austin 's Handbook of Roses ( see Bibliography ) , who knows what nuggets of gold you might find to fit into your garden ?
17 What actually happens in 2002 depends on whether both parties are prepared to extend the loan agreement , although the Baron tells us that he considers this unlikely or whether the government can afford to buy any of the pictures .
18 ‘ It 's taken a lot of my notorious skills at wheeling and dealing , but the bank are prepared to finance the deal on the strength of the new patent for the computerised cutting and sewing system , ’ Guy was saying , his voice flat and clipped .
19 This means that non-US residents are prepared to use the dollar in settlement of debts , as a unit of account and as a store of value .
20 It 's an all British car erm except for the Japanese tape deck , and the makers believe there are enough people around who still want to drive with the top down and the wind in their hair , people who are prepared to risk the weather , as well as an overdraft , to get behind the wheel of a Healey again .
21 I need say no more , except to underline the naivety of those who are prepared to champion the humanism of Marx in his attack on capitalism without recognising the inhumanism of Marx in proposing the socialist solution .
22 There are few who are prepared to argue the second , and that is a point of view we should hear more about .
23 This is hanging on on to the reins of government and they are prepared to destroy the country in the process .
24 Fly-by-night workshops only get contracts if they are prepared to do the work very cheaply .
25 When you 're getting outside the family you 've got to be careful to make sure that they are people that are prepared to do the job , that they understand what 's involved because you can not force anyone to be an executor .
26 I thought that progressives , political progressives in this country were prepared to stand by public services and believe in them sufficiently to say this will cost you and we are prepared to put the bill to you because we believe you will pay the bill .
27 ‘ Players like Paul Ince and Carlton Palmer are complementing Gascoigne because they are prepared to win the ball and give it to him in areas where he can be the most effective .
28 We are prepared to consider the decoy as a permanent option if it helps to slow people down and save lives . ’
29 " At any time the PLO is prepared to take the necessary steps , " he went on , " we are prepared to resume the dialogue . "
30 This includes providing additional services through primary care teams , negotiating for the provision of some outpatient services in practices , changing prescribing patterns to obtain better value for money , and using those hospitals that are prepared to deliver the standard of care specified by fundholders .
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