Example sentences of "[am/are] list in [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Institutional contacts are listed in a publication produced by KPMG Peat Marwick , which can be obtained from the MBO unit in London .
2 Berenson 's decisions on attributions are listed in a reference catalogue , The Italian Paintings of the Renaissance .
3 There are also animals that are listed in the IUCN 's Red Data Book of Endangered Species .
4 A detailed account of the development of special school provision for visually handicapped pupils in the United Kingdom is given in Chapman ( 1978 ) and the address and details of all special schools for visually handicapped pupils are listed in the Directory of Resources for those working with visually handicapped children ( Travis , 1987 ) , published by Birmingham University .
5 It has produced several valuable studies which cross library/book trade boundaries , and which are listed in the bibliography of this book .
6 They are called working faults and they are listed in the Standard as follows : Weak bones and musculature ; steep shoulders , deficient elbow articulation ; too long , too short , or steep upper arm ; weak or steep pasterns ; splay feet , flat feet or excessively arched toes , stunted toes ; flat ribcage , barrel chest , pigeon breast ; back too long , weak , sway or roach ; croup too short , too straight , too long or too steep ; too heavy , unwieldy body ; hind legs flatshanked , sicklehocked , cow-hocked or bow-legged ; joints too narrowly or too widely angled .
7 RA4 papers have a total process time of 3 minutes at 38 degrees C. A range of processing times an temperatures for film and paper are listed in the instruction book .
8 RA4 papers have a total process time of 3 minutes at 38 degrees C. A range of processing times and temperatures for film and paper are listed in the instruction book .
9 Exceptions — left hand patterns — are listed in the Air Pilot .
10 Sizes and shapes available are listed in the chart .
11 This cake can be flavoured in an endless variety of ways to suit personal tastes — a few are listed in the chart on page 9 , but add your own ingredients as liked .
12 Examples of the use of two widely-available software packages for automated cartography ( SYMAP and GIMMS ) are given , using datasets which are listed in the appendices .
13 All awards , except those to foreigners , are listed in the London Gazette , although very few are found with citations .
14 Once constructed , the application of the classification schemes involves synthesis or the drawing together of the single concepts which are listed in the scheme from their different facets in order to specify compound subjects .
15 Otherwise funeral directors keep detailed lists , or offices are listed in the phone book , or the Citizens Advice Bureau can advise .
16 LUXEMBOURG : Sign up with the local JobCentre equivalent , l'Administration de l'Emploi , whose branches are listed in the phone book .
17 Local offices are listed in the Phone Book under " Women 's Royal Voluntary Service " .
18 Fuel board showrooms are listed in the Phone Book under " Electricity " or " Gas " .
19 Self-study packs and training videos of the type that are listed in the GLCABS training calendar in Figure 6.2 are popular .
20 An alternative to having a separate entry for every word-form is that only base forms are listed in the lexicon , together with a set of lexical rules for deriving all regularly inflected forms of the base item , and a listing of all irregularly inflected forms .
21 Many medieval illuminators appear here by name ( 128 are listed in the index ) .
22 All of the many degree courses offered at the University of Edinburgh are listed in the tables of the section ‘ Degree Course Requirements ’ .
23 The others are listed in the GIMMS documentation .
24 Members can give no more than ten days notice of a question and the questions are listed in the order in which they are tabled .
25 Addresses and numbers are listed in the telephone directory .
26 The remaining securities with a value of £3 million [ 1991 £nil ] are listed in the US .
27 Where O or S passes are listed in the requirements for entry to a particular faculty or to a specific course , these must normally be at grades 1 , 2 or 3 for S grade , or grade C or better ( 7 or better from 1994 ) for O/GCSE .
28 They are listed in the data protection registration for PNC and continental police forces can not themselves retrieve information from the PNC .
29 Secondly , the measurements on the statistical variable to be mapped must be presented in the same order that the zone outlines are listed in the data file .
30 Organisations which can offer your support , including The Terrence Higgins Trust Family Support Network , are listed in the Helplist at the end of this leaflet .
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