Example sentences of "[am/are] not usually [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Scales are not usually given except as scale bars with units varying from one to another but the main chart is approximately 1:239,300 and the Caledonian Canal is in the order of 1:80,000 .
2 The words of the Green party are not usually cited by Conservative Members to justify their own position .
3 Semantic interactions which involve this sort of meaning are not usually channelled through the syntactic structure , hence there is no syntactic dimension to any lexical dissonance which may arise .
4 Since the waves are not usually channelled in any particular direction , the signal strength becomes weaker the further the receiver is from the transmitter — in fact , when the distance between transmitter and receiver is doubled , the signal strength is quartered .
5 ( Statistical terms such as variance , skewness and kurtosis , though easily defined in terms of the above molecular weight averages , are not usually employed in polymer science . )
6 BIRTH OF A BUSINESS COUNSELLOR Chartered accountants are not usually motivated to be competitors , salesmen or traders .
7 Paradigm shifts are not usually detected by citation studies , because of the anomalous publication of ‘ delayed-action ’ papers ( Lindsey ) , ( Garfield 's ‘ sleepers ) .
8 Ulcers are not usually seen in one particular specialist department in most hospitals .
9 Chefs are not usually noted for their even-temper and calmess , however , and Bohringer 's sleepy-eyed nature was at odds with this .
10 These developments are not usually undertaken with educational applications in mind .
11 More skilled jobs are not usually undertaken by the otherwise unemployed , who are mainly to be found in low-skilled jobs .
12 ( After all the voices of male apprentices are not usually heard in the debates over apprenticeship . )
13 Yet their close knowledge of the local community , their personal experience of curriculum innovation with a far-reaching impact like TVEI or the National Curriculum , and , in many cases , their role in the training of company employees on release to college are not usually exploited by companies .
14 ( Children , the other main economically dependent group , are not usually referred to as burdens . )
15 Dependent children are not usually covered by superannuation , although you should notify your employer if you are the sole breadwinner .
16 By contrast , issueless riots are not usually underpinned by such legitimating belief : ‘ Protest and demands for social change are not significant elements in the genesis of the issueless riot , nor does the issueless riot tend to result in changes in people 's life conditions ’ ( ibid . ) .
17 This obviously makes explicit what is generally true of performance indicators : that they are not usually generated from a systematic record ( and when they are , the system is not as reliable as a bookkeeping system can be ) .
18 Vascular access may increase the risk of infection but cannulas are not usually colonised by organisms originating in the gut .
19 The water-soluble vitamins , however , are not usually stored in the body in any great amount , so deficiency can develop within a few weeks or months if the diet is poor .
20 Rights to participate on a winding up are not usually taken into account , as financial statements are generally prepared on a going concern basis and , accordingly , such rights are not usually relevant to accounting .
21 The new jobs that do arrive are not usually taken by locals — only 10 per cent of jobs on the Isle of Dogs have gone to locals ( Tym and Partners , 1987 ) .
22 However , patent infections may develop in foals and these are not usually associated with clinical signs .
23 Mandarinfish ( callionymidae ) have a poisonous mucus which deters predators and are not usually bothered by larger fish .
24 Conventional files are not usually shared between applications .
25 Fish are not usually offered in styles suitable to the health-conscious .
26 Butterflyfish can normally be considered good members of an aquarium community , as they are not usually attacked by other fish .
27 ( c ) For left arithmetic shift , when the sign bit is changed ; rounding errors in right arithmetic shift are not usually considered to be a case of overflow .
28 With rectangular Cartesian coordinates in Euclidean space the distinction between vector and covector components disappears , which explains why covector components are not usually used in Newtonian mechanics .
29 Newspaper reports of rape are not usually thought of as pornography , though sometimes they are in effect .
30 Among these he included the educational system and also many institutions that are not usually thought of as part of the state , such as the family , churches , the media , trade unions and political parties .
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