Example sentences of "[am/are] not necessarily [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Vacancies advertised by the Unit are not necessarily based in this department .
2 Even those who demand equality for others but nothing for themselves are not necessarily motivated by pure altruism and disinterestedness , as the following clinical example shows :
3 The reasons for their success are not necessarily to do with their acuteness , not necessarily to do with their originality , but everything to do with sustaining the status-quo of the institution at that time .
4 Making a case for the complexity of woman 's position as spectator , both critics stated that spectators are not necessarily locked into identification with their own gender but are able to take up multiple identifications , whether simultaneously or in succession .
5 The micro-political dimension of budgeting is based on the view that budgetary decisions are not necessarily made on rational — economic grounds but that the deciding factors may be other influences such as the power base of individuals or groups and their value systems .
6 Marriages , contrary to belief , are not necessarily made in heaven .
7 As far as Humphreys is concerned , firms which occupy the high ground in executive search are not necessarily limited in the variety , volume or type of search work that can be undertaken ; for example , Tyzack 's recent work includes finding the chairman of London Transport , looking simultaneously for three chief executives for an international trading company in the Far East , Europe and the US ( none of whom was to earn less than US$450 000 ) , searching for the chairman of the Monopolies & Mergers Commission , tracking down the chief executive of a building society and the MD of a conglomerate which , during the search , was defending itself against likely take-over bids .
8 The reason for this is because some odorants are toxic but their toxic effects are not necessarily related to the perception of the odour per se .
9 Rate resources are unevenly distributed among local authorities and are not necessarily related to their different needs .
10 Things are not necessarily done in this order , however , and for good reason .
11 Affinitive relationships that exist between terms are not necessarily connected to one another in any fixed hierarchical manner .
12 THERE are secrets to being a boss which are not necessarily connected to ditching your pals on the way up .
13 This does not just mean ‘ frequent ’ : exceptions are perceived as ‘ odd ’ , but are not necessarily disapproved of , sanctioned , etc .
14 The problems discussed in this section are not necessarily separate from those outlined as deriving from the colonial model , indeed they frequently overlap .
15 These are not necessarily created through dance and music .
16 But , as so often happens when dealing with the United States , informal agreements reached with Presidents are not necessarily supported by Congress .
17 Calls to the single market hotline are not necessarily recorded on a geographical basis .
18 They are not necessarily regarded as a nuisance at law however and may not be actionable under that branch of the common law known as the tort of nuisance .
19 The framework in which political scientists usually consider these aspects of politics , employing the notions of ‘ political culture ’ and ‘ political socialization ’ , is too narrow to encompass all the relevant phenomena , and it is more fruitful , I think , to start from the conception of ‘ cultural reproduction ’ ( Bourdieu and Passeron , 1977 ) , which has the great merit of emphasizing that the ideas and values shaping political action are not necessarily expressed in an overtly political form , and of relating such ideas and values to the whole social structure .
20 Relations in the material world can exist independently of consciousness and are not necessarily affected by it .
21 ‘ Industrial democracy ’ on the other hand is a term which is generally taken to refer to particular practices of management already operating in certain capitalist economies ( e.g. West Germany ) or specific proposals such as those of the Bullock Committee ( Bullock , 1977 ) , practices and proposals which give some role to workers or their representatives in enterprise decision-making , but which are not necessarily linked to the overall social planning of the economy in the interests of working people .
22 The test is less reliable in older cattle where high values are not necessarily correlated with large adult worm burdens but , instead , may reflect plasma leakage from a hypersensitive mucosa under heavy larval challenge .
23 Many farm workers recognize this as an unavoidable aspect of living away from the main centres of industry , and while they may occasionally recognize the limitations which are imposed upon their freedom to choose both employment and housing , they are not necessarily embittered by it .
24 In fact , floors are not necessarily improved by having a cover at all .
25 However , expectations of three-cornered comparisons are dashed because the work is arranged in a straightforwardly linear and chronological fashion , and the same issues are not necessarily addressed in each of the three separate discussions on the three rooms .
26 This relates to autonomy in that creativity may flourish in freedom , but the two goals are not necessarily found in the same person ( creativity ) .
27 Ant plants are not necessarily found in nutrient-poor sites and many so-called ant-plant species sometimes have ants in them but sometimes do not , e.g. species of Aphanamixis and Chisocheton ( Meliaceae ) and many examples seem to show that the presence is due to ‘ casual ’ entrance through wounds suffered by the trees through damage by other animals or tree falls and so on .
28 And remember that the most characteristic meals are not necessarily found behind the most imposing facades , nor do they necessarily carry the highest price tags .
29 Political upheaval and war are not necessarily associated with curriculum change ; and even when they are , change seems habitually to be followed by a reversion to the status quo ante , a tendency to equate change with relabelling , a reassertion of institutional inertia .
30 It is also important to recognize that our basic beliefs ( our espoused version of the ‘ truth ’ ) are not necessarily established by rational analysis .
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