Example sentences of "[am/are] [verb] on the grounds " in BNC.

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1 Or perhaps authority may come from some prestigious so the domain of the practitioner , as when techniques are recommended on the grounds that they have the warrant of proven theory .
2 The list also contains a very few phrases which apparently have no equivalents ( " soap opera " " Z cars " " facts of life " ) , but are included on the grounds that their constituent words have no relation to the meaning of the phrase .
3 The propagandist view of literature , literature as illustration , tendentiousness , are denounced on the grounds that the desire to illustrate one particular ideological viewpoint at the expense of all else , has disastrous consequences at the artistic level since such an approach is at odds with any attempt to display the inherent contradictions and complexities within a given historical situation ; indeed , the case is quite the reverse : it actually masks such contradictions .
4 The strategy employed here , to begin with , is to insist that all existential propositions of the natural language be replaced by properly quantified paraphrases ; next , propositions involving unqualified or unrestricted quantification are proscribed on the grounds that they are " obscure " and are replaced by propositions involving a qualified quantification into a specified domain ( corresponding to ordinary language propositions of the " Some S are P " type ) ; finally , a paraphrase is attempted of the qualified quantification in terms of the validity of inference .
5 Thus , the effects of reduced mortality rates and of improved life expectancy rates on unemployment rates or hours of work are ignored on the grounds that the effects of such factors on economic growth must be considered separately .
6 The accounts of our abnormality that arise out of the theoretical perspectives of individual psychology and of non-materialist social psychology are rejected on the grounds of their incoherency , and their ideological nature is indicated .
7 By summonses dated 16 October , against each plaintiff , the defendants sought a declaration that in the circumstances the English court had no jurisdiction over the defendants in respect of the subject matter of the claim or the relief or remedy sought and an order that the action be dismissed on the grounds that the defendants were domiciled in Scotland for the purposes of the Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982 and that Schedule 4 to the Act provided that the defendants should , subject to exceptions which were not applicable , be sued in the courts of Scotland .
8 Czechoslovakia is going ahead with a $50 million programme to improve the safety of its controversial V-1 unit at Jaslovske Bohunice plant , despite Austrian requests that it be closed on the grounds that its proximity to the border posed a threat to Austrian citizens .
9 that the judge erred in law in ordering that the proceedings be stayed on the grounds that the delay might be prejudicial . ’
10 Reagan 's lawyers , supported by the US Justice Department , requested that this order be quashed on the grounds that it would involve making public " intimate and confidential communications " and would establish a precedent which could hamper the ability of future presidents to conduct foreign policy .
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